css hamburger icon codepen

Interesting read, even if, as you said, tons of peaople already talked about it. 25+ Best Coming Soon HTML Templates for Free Download and Premium, 42 Retro Fonts to Perfect your Vintage Style Inspired Design, 42 Free Photoshop Texture Packs to Make Your Design Complete, 500+ Free Seamless Patterns for Website Backgrounds. Okay, I’ve planned to remove all those navigation menu and replace them with a hamburger icon as the screen size reaches below 980px. Funny, but again, HUGE apps and sites are using this to represent menus, so mind-saturation of what this icon means is happening as we speak. As you might already know, CSS transitions and animations allow you to animate a specific set of CSS properties.One of the properties that cannot be animated is the display property.. I coined the term “navicon” in 1998 and nobody paid attention. We publish awesome resources for designers, developers, marketers and technology lovers. After all, Chris Coyier wrote about this technique back in November of 2012. If you want to read more about the thinking behind this stuff and see examples, read those. Demo Image: Hamburger Icon With Morphing Menu Hamburger Icon With Morphing Menu. Menu options are shown in animated bubbles when the user clicks the hamburger menu icon. icon Icon Design Inspiration Icons are a very important element of any well-designed websites. I’d probably avoid the Unicode symbol as it doesn’t have the correct semantic meaning. I have no clue why that it, but c’est la vie. 2. Maybe Windows has a ‘crisper’ Unicode set or renders differently than Mac (insert joke here). Anyone else with the sam issue? It is best to use a CSS only Hamburger menu icon is such cases to avoid extra resource request calls for the website. Made by Sergio July 15, 2015 Free Launch Page with Countdown Timer and Video Background, Free Resume Website Template for Job Seekers built with Bootstrap, 50 Free Art and Design Icons – SVG & PNG Download, 50 Free Vehicle and Transport Icons – SVG & PNG, 50 Free Gastronomy Icons – SVG & PNG Download, 50 Free Esports Icons – Flat, Line and Linecolor (SVG & PNG). Besteht eine Webpräsenz aus vielen Seiten und Unterseiten, bietet sich häufig ein Dropdown-Menü an. Creative menu made with HTML, SASS/CSS3 and JQuery. I’ll try it ona ma blog. Ok… it looks like anti-aliasing to me, because it’s not just lines, but actually a text character. Jordan Moore wrote up a big article on it for Smashing Magazine. The unicode smoothing issue can be fixed with -webkit-font-smoothing:none – however this only works in relatively recent versions of webkit browsers. Remember accessibility means anyone and anything can access the information… that means any OS, any browser, any technology and any person regardless their abilities. I put together the following pen to illustrate: Interesting subject but I find it odd that this discussion about a universal symbol for menu is taking place whilst as far as I am aware we have no international symbol for indicating language choice. :), To tie it all together a little bit more, I’ve written a post on the three lines navicon and my thoughts on it’s usage here, http://alwaystwisted.com/post.php?s=2012-10-12-these-3-lines. -solved. I think we will see that a lot in the future when we got newer displays and higher resolutions. You are an endless source of inspiration and super helpful tricks! Unicode looks fine to me large but the middle line blurry on the small size. https://css-tricks.com/three-line-menu-navicon/#comment-196713, http://uxfindings.blogspot.com: There is such a hype about this three line mobile menu concept. That’s much easier than another http request for the same data. Excellent post. Tim Kadlec converted them to ems so they scale with text which is nice. Justin, your method is so much cleaner AND makes all three lines into an active link. You also need to include Bootstrap.js. “I quite the three line symbol” ). Menu hover effect-4. Same markup as the one above. See how smooth the transition is between the two objects. List views are usually accompanied by other icons to represent the different states like: grid view. You know, the drag n’ drop to reorder things. Remember icons are for sighted users… don’t forget about 12% of WORKING-Age individuals who are disabled… (poor eyesight, color-perception impairment, physical ailment such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, cognitive impairment, and etc.) The box-shadow and gradient are the crispiest chips in the bag. Dang. Unicode is blurry for me on win 7 in all browsers… Just curious if there’d be a problem with building it out using block elements styled in css. The lines are rounded, which looks good to me. Diese Frage muss bei eigentlich jedem Webprojekt beantwortet werden. Lets see how we can develop a hamburger icon with CSS. However, few users are familiar with the pattern, and the “Menu” label on a button tests much more successfully. If we have to pick one, I’m all for this one. One thing that I keep thinking about, though, is the use of this type of icon for reordering list items as well. And you can add some margin to add distance from whatever is in the body. Would be interesting if HTML/CSS had a way to say “don’t anti-alias this” (or is it cleartype?) Font Awesomeのアイコンフォントの一覧です。Free(無償で利用可能)のアイコンのみをリストにまとめました。Font AwesomeとはFont Awesomeは、Webサイト上で使われるあらゆるアイコンを、フォントとして利用でき It would seem that a mathematical operator is more likely to be implemented in fonts than an iChing symbol. Animated Infographic by Sdras. This CSS blobby menu concept gives you a full-page animated menu concept. Entypo has this symbol in their free set. I think too that wee need a standard icon for navigation menus and this seems like an appropriate one. how would you animate to “display: table”? You have just created three unnecessary elements would you could accomplish the same with one element. Remember gradients don’t actually need to fade color from one to another if you use “hard stops” where the color changes to another instantly at the same color-stop. Is there a study or is that just made up? See the Pen Hamburger Slide Accordion Menu by slyka85 on CodePen. You can get icons from free icon pack or get custom designed icons that will work well with your site’s overall design. I agree with Louis, the unicode version looks just fine on Windows 7. probably the best solution, The demo graphic was very helpful too. For what it’s worth I’m on a Mac and the Unicode one looks crispy as can be. My assumption is that it’s using a .5 pixel on something which makes the opacity on the 1px 50% so you get a semi blurry image. This comment thread is closed. Hamburger Slide Accordion Menu. I’m using bold pipe characters ||| and Set the positioning context with relative positioning. I’m not a big fan of using “hacks” to have a result that simple images like this can do. I honestly thought of this same thing. It’s also in the quick-add in the JS settings. To me the concept of an icon without text is simple – I’d rather be unsure as to what the icon represents the first time I press it and then, upon immediately discovering it’s purpose, be happy I don’t have text there for the remaining billion times I push said icon. While the fact that there is unicode that will work for it; you should absolutely NOT be using Unicode to represent this symbol. Credit to Mr. Robson on this one. About CSS Base. We offer two of the most popular choices: normalize.css and a reset. Retina screen here. For example to display login icon, We might have used below HTML code. I’m not sure why an icon would confuse people? http://uxfindings.blogspot.com/2014/06/a-new-menu-icon.html, Why searching for new design? In this post, I will be sharing CSS code snippet for creating a hamburger menu without any Images or Icon Fonts. Hamburger menu are often used in responsive web design to depict an expandable list of menu. Gerade bei umfangreichen Websites ist es nicht immer einfach, die richtige Antwort darauf zu finden. When designing minimal websites, you may not desire to load unnecessary Icon Fonts such as Font Awesome or extra images just to create one small hamburger menu icon. The Hamburger Icon. See the Pen Pure CSS3 Mega Dropdown Menu With Vertical Animation by rizkykurniawanritonga (@rizkykurniawanritonga) on CodePen. Oop. In this article, I’m going to focus on the “three-line” symbol (as opposed to down arrows or other possible navicons). You could use a PNG or whatever also, but SVG is perfect for this kind of simple drawing. This kind of SVG + CSS animation trickery is catnip to me. I pretty much see the same thing on mine, but it just didn’t bother me. Get code examples like "font awesome cdnjs" instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension. At this stage it’s probably a good idea to have it alongside the word ‘menu’, putting it on its own will just confuse people. ... which is made using SVG filter and by adding CSS animation. This is the easiest and probably the best solution. That’s silly talk. If you’re using SVG, why not save the bandwidth and include the markup directly. I do think to some degree the language blindness of the US has something to do with this. I will try to implement this in bootstrap. With that, we’re going to build a simple, responsive… the markup would be a little cumbersome, but the end result would be responsive, and you’d be able to use transitions on it in interesting ways. If that’s something that matters for your site, be sure to take that into consideration and use one of the other techniques Chris mentions or (if your tech requirements allow), use the SVG directly in your CSS. If you have important information to share, please, an incredible course on all things CSS and SVG animation, http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/examples/hero.html, http://cssdeck.com/labs/css3-monochrome-icon-set, https://css-tricks.com/three-line-menu-navicon/#comment-196713, http://uxfindings.blogspot.com/2014/06/a-new-menu-icon.html. But if it is an existing project, it is very difficult to change the icon class name. It’d depend on only a couple CSS rules, and load as fast as any other block element on the page. I don’t get it. Hello, This image is so simple it begs for SVG. :-). Easy solutions are always the best ! If you want to read more about the thinking behind this stuff and see examples, read those. http://codepen.io/anon/full/Lxecv. ࣕ has wider support across browsers. But yes, the other versions are definitely crisper. Here it has another solution, it’s a page, but if you remove the border, that’s a 4 lines menu Jeremy Keith wrote about it.Stuart Robson wrote about it.Tim Kadlec wrote about it. For the third line which will draw in between, we are using the :before pseudo class using which, we are able to absolute position our third line in between the first two. We have picked a few of our favourites from social icons to hamburger menu icons that will help you get some inspiration to use in your next web project. It uses a sprite three times; once for each line! For example, a while ago I used a base64 string for my responsive CSS3 dropdown here. Regarding the article https://css-tricks.com/three-line-menu-navicon/, an older Nokia phone with Opera 12 is able to display the unicode character for ‘IDENTICAL TO’ (U+2261), but not the TRIGRAM FOR HEAVEN’ (U+2630). Find the full code and demo on my pen at CodePen or see the embed below: See the Pen CSS only Hamburger menu by Kanishk Kunal on CodePen.0. Or, choose Neither and nothing will be applied. I don’t see anything blurry about the unicode version (latest stable Chrome and FF on Win7). I will use a hamburger icon to indicate the menu. I love the idea of a universal menu item. How do I get Free Images for use in App Development, Welcoming our New Author Parag to Super Dev Author Team, 21 Professional HTML & CSS Resume Templates for Free Download (and Premium), 20 Free iPhone 12 Mockups - PSD, AI, Sketch & Figma. I’d say probably a good 97% of people still don’t recognize the icon’s meaning, and it’s going to take quite some time for it to catch on. Soon we’ll be able to scribe the magical three lines into rock so others may understand our mystical interface iconography. Of course, you need to tweak the bubble designs a bit to fit your concept. Thanks! There is nothing wrong with using an element, but if we use a pseudo-element and some trickery, we could make this symbol without the extra HTTP request that an image requires. It blurs everything even the text is blurred, crap ie. Jeremy Keith wrote about it. To argue that it isn’t recognized as the “Menu” button is effing ludicrous. I’m 110% sure on this decision. You can also use the unicode math operator ≡. Example shown below:.header { background-color: #fff; box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 10%); position: relative; width: 100%; z-index: 3; margin-bottom: 10px; }  1. Exactly; speed holes. In this case we can display the font awesome icons using their CSS content values. Assuming that my three line menu navicon will be visible only for certain media queries, older browsers would be excluded (because they don’t support media queries) so I thought using this method is appropriate. This kind of thing should be as crisp as can be anywhere. I think the SVG Version is the most fexible. Get in touch if you want to submit an article for our readers. Menu hover effect-5. You would think that would be perfect, but in reality, it ends up quite blurry. That’s just me…. If osx was available for common pc windows would have died long ago and (gates in the gate for g4 security). People using Facebook (mobile) are used to it and since it’s probably one of the most used mobile App, it’s fair to assume that it became a standard. The heaven/sky character looks different depending on the browser, with some lines fatter than others. Wohin mit der Navigation? Pure CSS off-canvas hamburger menus aren’t a recent discovery. They also work like a charm at various sizes. He also used pixel values in his demo. In CSS, make some space on the left of the link with some padding-left. I’d probably avoid making an HTTP request for an image just for this. It is best to use a CSS only Hamburger menu icon is such cases to avoid extra resource request calls for the website. I think gears and wrenches and whatnot are slightly more indicative of such menus, but even they are far from ideal, as they require a pretty big metaphorical leap. I just thought of using 3 old school
tags in a button. That’s great, but you just made a “list view” icon. What it means to you as a developer or someone who has preconceived notions of what this three line thing means is less important that what it means to a user looking at it. It works fine for me. Here’s a hamburger icon that reveals a full screen overlay when clicked, with a nice animation of the hamburger turning into a close “X” icon. As Jordan Moore points out in his SmashingMag article, the ☰ unicode character does not render properly on Android devices. It’s U+2261. Check out the demo on CodePen. Then make a single black line absolutely positioned into that space on the top left. Also I’m pretty sure that the original intention of the icon was for ‘Sorting’, I might have made that up though. There is also this unicode charactere “identical to” ≡, a bit tiny. Remember: Facebook and Google Chrome use it unaccompanied by text. Keep in mind that images can be very restrictive with regards to skinning. Follow him on Twitter @kanishkkunal. If not, it’s a small icon that you can easily add to your sprites. I love this icon and users are getting the hang of it meaning menu, so what do we now do with reordering do we give them something like the the movable cursor icon to signify that it can be reordered? A morphing animation of the hamburger icon turning into a cross icon. We’re going to look at the “how” to create this symbol in a bunch of different ways. Should we use something else for reorder functionality, or should we rethink the menu icon? Google seem to be using it everywhere, back buttons, menu buttons, more info buttons, anything that navigates to a page with listed data. Next is the mobile menu. It can add interest or creative excitement, direct the user's eye, explain something quickly and succinctly, and improve usability. Thank you! Only this time, use gradients to create the three lines. We can use the CSS Pseudo-elements elements features ::before or ::after to display them. Chrome’s latest build replaces the wrench with this three line icon. Now, considering the retina displays, my solution doesn’t sound so good anymore :). With the exception of the width and height being explicitly defined, it seems in theory a worthwhile alternative. My thought exactly! Must add -webkit- to the style. Thanks # Special thanks to my wife, Kholoud, for her continuous support and for reading the guide multiple times. Will that make any difference to ☰ (☰) that you are using in your example? They’ll either get a blank space or a “broken” character, like a rectangle or somesuch. Both look nearly same. The result is realistic and really cool, and you can play with four different versions. The same idea of creating a space for the pseudo-element to go. They make the browser faster. The gradient thing is nice, but it’s a good size chunk of code to maintain. Fixed. I’ve seen it, too, but all it did in my case was confuse me and hide what the control was supposed to do. The equiv character seemed great until I tried Opera Mobile/Mini. Since this player uses the latest CSS script, it can handle all modern colors without any issues. As a menu icon it works for though, really it’s about familiarity and pervasiveness – and I think this icon is already there. Better check prefixr -.-‘ thanks again chris. Chris, I took a look at both in Opera, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari (all up-to-date and on Mac – Snow Leopard) and the Unicode versions do come out blurry. -webkit-transform:rotate(-90deg);-moz-transform:rotate(-90deg);-ms-transform:rotate(-90deg);-o-transform:rotate(-90deg); For different line lengths/thicknesses, try lowercase L lll or capital i III and different sans-serif fonts. The only thing I do notice about the unicode version is that it looks much different on FF (more vertical space between lines) compared to Chrome, whereas the other versions look pretty much the same on both. Lack of a label almost unintentionally implies that one can ‘figure it out’, instead of ‘we are going to label this icon indefinitely because you cannot learn’. You could always use an icon font as well. Awesome CSS side menu animation using a hamburger icon. Looks OK on my retina display but pretty bad on non-retina. Maybe it’s time for a new menu icon…, A New Menu Icon Pretty big players there to risk users not understanding now to navigate the app. Frontend Masters has an incredible course on all things CSS and SVG animation from CSS-Tricks own Sarah Drasner. works like a charm now! Kanishk is a Software Engineer turned Online Entrepreneur who has created many successful apps and websites. The placement of the icon will change between LTR and RTL. Thanks and thanks again :). Good to see it catching on now. Not 9776 or 2630. After failing to rebuild the gradient method I have copied the code from codepen and I dont get the black lines. Or, choose Neither and nothing will be applied. Google mobile got the sidemenu like the facebook app! I’d like to submit the idea that maybe we need some Nanointeraction Design here. How have we put symbols onto websites for… ever? Text is going to antialias unless you instruct otherwise. Personally I’m quite fond of the icon Microsoft use on their home page: I had a play around and came up with an approximation using CSS pseudo-elements. I haven’t had too much trouble with icon fonts being blurry like that Unicode icon is. aaawh google jumps on the bandwagon. Visit http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/examples/hero.html and shrink your browser to below 760px if you want to see it. A universal symbol for “menu” has been on a lot of people’s minds lately. It's a common practice to apply CSS to a page that styles elements such that they are consistent across all browsers. Bootstrap 5 vs Bootstrap 4 - What's New & What Changed? Mikael Ainalem shares how to draw a hamburger icon (the “three lines” thing you’re well familiar with), but then animate it in a way that is surprising and fun by controlling the SVG properties in CSS. Why use CSS only Hamburger menu icon. The result would be as flexible as an SVG without relying on browser support or additional assets (like modernizr, or a symbol font). ... you have a hamburger menu icon to list all other options. CSS or SVG/IMG are a better way. I didn’t see any blur in my windows 8 pc with chrome but ie10 is useless. There’s also a html code equiv, instead of whipping out the unicode cavalry. Another version using single borders, padding, and content-box background-clip: Three Line Menu Navicon for Modern and Legacy Browsers Also list icons usually have an extra dot or block in front of each of the lines to show it like a bulleted list. It’s the definition of a hack. http://unicode.johnholtripley.co.uk/2261/. For that reason, recent years have seen more and … Hamburger menu using CSS. The entire code script is shared with you on the CodePen editor, hence you can easily edit and visualize the results on the editor itself. Another meh. “You would think that would be prefect” Swanky Pure CSS Drop Down Menu V2.0. I think as technologies improve and converge, the more we develop with accessibilities the more we get a competitive edge in the near future. When you said “blurry” I was imagining some big fog. He mentions ≡ as an alternative choice with better device support, but that doesn’t really look right. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As we all know, the hamburger menu can trigger a sliding drawer navigation which is great for responsive design. I was just lookin’ how to implement this icon ! If you want to find new ways to animate those three lines into a neat X, refer to the following CSS hamburger menu. Another fun alternative I’ve come up with (and used for animation effects): Oops – looks like Funkyscript had the idea too! But even not considering disabled people we need text for other reasons you may not have considered: For example, someone might use a screen reader in their car to read out navigation directions or a flight itinerary while driving so they can keep their eyes on the road. This article was great, but when I tried the pseudo box-shadow and pseudo gradient methods, only the top of the three lines became an active link. Ah it ate my image. Thanks. And for people not knowing it, a simple tap of curiosity will do the trick for the first time they see it. Late but still worth noting. I’m not shocked by the use of an image. You can change the Image / Vector to any other Icon when the Mobile Developement thinks that another Icon is more right then the three Bars. The blur can be fixed by using text-rendering: geometricPrecision; on the unicode element. You’d only need to load a PNG for the crusties. At first I struggled with the button/hyperlink cause the SVG doesn’t allow any click events, realised I was missing this in my css for the svg icon {pointer-events: none;}. Not sure but that’s what my brain told me. Its a good way to bring Vectors instead of static Images to Websites as well. Fullscreen Hamburger Mega Menu With JS And CSS. Even though the three lines navicon looks like a grab handle for sortable lists (like on iOS etc) I still think its a great little icon for menus too. Three lines are here to stay. Used well, CSS animation is an incredibly useful and powerful tool. Chris, can you take a screenshot of exactly what you see when you say it’s blurry? The related posts above were algorithmically generated and displayed here without any load on our servers at all, thanks to Jetpack. Perfect. Hamburger icon is just a three line icon. Note: this is from actual studies if you need the sources please let me know…. It would be great if you could do it, but it’s not currently possible and I’m guessing it never will be (e.g. As you can see, I used em instead of px so the menu drawn will be scalable relative to the font size. or whatever. See the Pen The Hamburger Menu by Matthew Blode on CodePen.. About This Hover Effect: This pen contains different hamburger menu effects Hover Effect By: Matthew Blode Made with : Html,CSS(Scss),JS Dependencies: jquery.min.js. There is however a bit of research that has revealed that the design of the hamburger icon can lead users to believe that it is actually a drag bar. I did some experimenting with Unicode for this sort of thing, and a lot of mobile browsers are gonna have a hard time with it—Android (2.2–3.0) and Blackberry (5–7), in particular, if memory serves. I realize that, Aaron, but wouldn’t the ends justify the means in this case? http://cssdeck.com/labs/css3-monochrome-icon-set, http://www.sitekickr.com/blog/creating-navicon-icon/, Pro tip: If you’re going to use it, use ≡ not &9776; or ੆. I think the dotted square (I have no example in my mind right now) you see sometimes can be the reorder icon. A universal symbol for “menu” has been on a lot of people’s minds lately. not to bad if you ask me. There is a unicode symbol with three lines in it. Someone mentioned that this “menu icon” looks alot like what is often used for a “list view” icon. Stuart Robson wrote about it. The does not work on (Mac) Safari. The < pre > tags were working in the preview :(. About CSS Base. So, we will be needing three elements vertically adjacent to one another. I normally agree, but as you can see above: blurrytown.
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