We arranged for this holiday through travel agents office and we choose our holiday to be whole package holiday so that we arrenged for every thingsvlike hotels, flying, transportatin and cities. And then I went to the night market in my town. It is a The next day, we went to buy some souveniers for our family and friends. Both cities are too far from Spain, so we went by plane. After that we went to the beach near hotel in the afternoon, we were too tired and we relaxed on the beach and then we went to the hotel to had dinner. It was very hot but the hotel had a wonderful swimming pool. After that we went to the disco. Before we go,we discuss how to go and how many cost.Finally we decided to go by car and we bring only 10000kyats at each other. Instead of staying in a hotel, I stayed with one of my old friends. Example: I do not prefer packaged holidays because when it comes to traveling, I have always wanted to explore a new place by myself. I spent my time in Devon in the United Kingdom. After that we went to have lunch to the hotel. My mother cooked good curry for me. We stayed at a home during 7 days. Give each paragraph a different topic. I have never flown and I liked it a lot, it was great. *Some of my lesson plans include resources provided by other people. In my free time, I do sport and I read. There was a big snowstorm on the top of mountains. We were soaked! Ugulhan replied on 29 September, 2020 - 09:20 Germany, elsiaraujo replied on 28 September, 2020 - 23:03 Venezuela, My last holiday was in Coche Island. We went to a small safari. It is very popular in my town. Since these holidays are uncertain,they rarely occur, and neither the management of … They have to prepare a small presentation in class and collect ideas what to talk about. It was sunny but it was cold because Bergamo is near the Alps. I bought rhum, t-shirts, pictures, towels, coffee and figures. But before I continue with Spain, I want to tell you about the trip to Cuba; Cuba is a very hot and slightly damp place, all the time it was hot and it rained very little, sometimes I had to stay half an hour locked in a clothing store by the air conditioner. Comentario por Rosa Ana Sañudo — diciembre 9, 2010 @ 8:26 pm He has hear about my hometown and he really exciting to visit it. We stayed in a hotel in Montego Bay. What people do in Christmas. | Responder. French Writing, GCSE - Holidays Watch Announcements Government announces GCSE and A-level students will receive teacher awarded grades this year >> Applying to uni? I am married and I have one son and two daughters. In Budapest there weren´t so many tourist as in Praha and the people were nice. There were three swimming-pools, big gardens, a disco, a gym and five restaurants. basico 2 .L/X — enero 6, 2011 @ 10:48 am At least for me. for me i prefer to stay at house. For three days we visited the idyllic medieval towns of Colonia, Rotenbourg, Dresden- high towers, heavy walls, old churches â . TrackBack URI. The Palma Island is a beautiful place. For example: The Sacred Family Cathedral, Gaudi´s house and others. ( Cerrar sesión / Such topics aim at the student's interest in helping to express many occasions so that he can speak English fluently and express what he wants easily In February, the weather is usually good, so it was sunny most of days; but two days were terrible. The first evening, we went out to dinner to an Italian restaurant. Was a wonderful experience because I can relaxed for a few days, I forgot the city noise, the job issues... That's holidays was perfect, Gabrielaks15 replied on 28 September, 2020 - 16:28 Venezuela. We stayed in a hotel in the city centre. We saw very nice landscape. We went sightseeing all the time. The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. Essay writing about holiday , is a very useful topic aimed at enriching the student's vocabulary and improving his or her ability to express and organize ideas. Start with writing your address, date and then receiverâs address. Write clear and simple sentences and organise your ideas in short paragraphs. Thank you to I only think of ideas for articles and stories during the actual holiday. ( Cerrar sesión / Comentario por Soraya Elices López — noviembre 29, 2010 @ 6:54 pm A writing template is a form or pattern that is used as a guide for structured writing.This summer holiday writing template is made up of three boxes with space for children to write about their experiences over the summer holidays Grup: L/X 16 7L. We got to the Ibiza airpot and from there we took a taxi that took us to the Hotel. We fed the baits for fishes.We ate the food again. The food was very good. Writing for holiday issues of magazines can be a little tricky. | Responder. We stayed in a friend´s house 15 km from Paris. The last holidays for me was go back my home town. The last day in Czech Republic we visited â Terezinâ, a Nazi concentration camp. My nameâs Javier. | Responder. I went to Jamaica with my boyfriend. After a holiday, we can go back to work or school with full energy. Write about someone who is given a bird for the holidays but doesn’t know how to take care of it. She is the best chef all over the world for my family. My last holiday. Nepal is a country in the middle of Asia, between China and India. Try to make your writing interesting for the reader. During my holidays, I am free to do what … Nowadays, most of the people love holidays because it is an opportunity to have a break from routine life as well as helps to refresh oneself. In night market, we can eat traditional food and dinner as you like. These holidays represent a special event where different people celebrate their own culture. The first day we went shopping to Milan. Every day we went to beach and had lots of fun. Then we stayed in Berlin for four days. We visited a typical villages in Almeria, Mojacar, Carboneras, Vera, etc. For example, "I started cleaning a guest's room and found that they'd left behind a wallet with $100 in cash. we did camping in the forest, it was a little cold but in october the season give lots of different colors in the trees. Comentario por sonia fernandez. We went by plane in October. The bed was a table with a leg. Then I visited Lisbon, it's a very nice but very expensive city, so I couldn't buy a lot of clothes. While we were in Pavia it was raining and it was cold but we were happy with our sons. We saw beautiful beachs with clear waters and white sand, wonderful landscapes, lovely coastal villages, it was fantastic. An example quiz about Writing.Com that uses Correct Scoring. Unluckily we had to eat very fast because the restaurant was closing. Moon Wathan replied on 23 October, 2020 - 18:57 Myanmar. So, I wanted to see my mother and my younger brother and I missed them at that time. My last holiday was spent in Europe, I visited Portugal, Cuba and Spain. One day I went to ask the hotel's receptionist for more internet and she replied "you Venezuelans are addicted to wifi", I didn't know what to answer, but believe me that comment annoyed me quite a bit. The flight was short. One day we took a ship that took us to Formentera. This is the optimal way of building strong relationships. To return to my friend´s house we had to walk for ten minutes from the train station. I read medicine books as well as novels or essays. In the morning, we went to the beach near the hotel. It was summer and there were many people there but we found a beach without people and we spent there everytime, swimming and sunbathed, it was great. When I turned it in without taking a single dollar for myself, my boss The weather was mostly good, albeit I was imprisoned in the hotel for two days because of heavy rain. One day we went out to Port Aventure. | Responder. He was grown a lot. | Responder. the house is small but it has huge balcony and from thw balcony you can see the beach. Engage them in fun holiday writing kindergarten activities with this bundle that includes holiday writing prompts and activities for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and St. Patrick's Day. Finally we decided to have dinner there. We went to bed very late. In the morning we went sightseeing and at night we looked for traditional restaurants. Kids love learning about the holidays. It is a wonderful place, with hot weather and very friendly and outgoing people. The hotel was very big and beautiful. We walked across the historic Charles Bridge. After that we went out to a disco, there I met a foreign man, he was very funny. The umbrella got broken and quickly we had to stop at McDonalds halfway. We visited a lot of beaches. In the afternoon we went shopping. Portugal is a beautiful country with very friendly and cheerful people, the place I loved most about Portugal was Porto, it is a city where there are older people, the weather is cold but very comfortable, the food is very rich and healthy and its wines are exquisite. This resource comprises example answers with senior examiner commentaries and mark schemes for GCSE French (8658) Paper 4 Writing. In Bergamo we took a bus to Milan and we went on a train from Milan to Pavia. I loved walk in kirkland erea, between the trees and the road. It landed at Santa Cruz airport. Yes, writing can be particularly challenging during the holidays. It is a funfairtheme park, where there are many attractions. We needed to have a rest because we were stressed at work, and we only wanted to swim and sunbathe. Itâs about being open-minded and imaginative with your thoughts. Iâ m going to tell you about myself. It is a small and tourist town. A holiday letter for an employee means that the company is announcing a holiday to the employees due to specific causes. We lived in Valencia and we didn´t know Ibiza, so as we were near Ibiza, we decided to go to Ibiza for five days. Sport is very important for me, it is healthy and it is relaxing. Sentences about holidays â English â Exercise Task No. And if they have, they lend it to you for 15 minutes, all the time it was horrible because I had to share wifi with my family for 15 minutes, it was awful. I was so amazed to hear the prize for food because it was a little big more expensive than I remember! It was raining a lot and windy too. We were sleeping all the trip. Instead of staying in a hotel, I stayed with one of my old friends. We spent five days on the trip and we stayed in a Hotel in Pavia and Bergamo Holidays Your French friend has emailed you telling you about their recent holiday and asking you about your holidays. The following days we walked all over the island with the car. The best day was the last day in Bergamo. It was horrible!! There we felt pain in the air. "Two weeks ago I came back from a holiday vacation in Turkey. Along the road we go back home, we danced in the car and shouted arbitrariness. 3. We had dinner in the hotel. As a child, I dreamed of living in a country or a city with which I could feel identified, now dream and desire to live in Barcelona, I think I found my perfect city to live with. Holiday Writing Prompts and Topicsâ With all the festivities, food, and celebration of traditions happening during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other fun holidays, holiday journaling is a wonderful way to get kids more excited for the celebrations ⦠But I still loved him. They were very noisy. My last holiday was a five-day trip to Prague in the Czech Republic.
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