At this point, Alec seems more and more sadistic, and all signs point to him as Todd's killer and possibly the one who preyed on the children who've gone missing as well. In fact, it's the material wealth of the Harpers that makes them such easy prey. The family's problems are compounded by a crisis in their small town after a couple of young boys go missing, a case that Greg must deal with as a police officer. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. For example, the television turns on unprompted, the kitchenware disappears, and an unseen girl lets a repairman into the house. Though the free food and a rent-free stay is undoubtedly better than sleeping on a park bench, phrogging has some severe drawbacks. Vor allem die Wendungen tragen dazu bei, dass der clever erzählte Thriller ein beliebter Festivalbeitrag ist, selbst wenn der Film zum Ende hin nicht alles überzeugend abschließt. It's a really creepy idea because it could happen to anyone and could even be happening to you right now without you knowing. However, it turns out that the other child who escaped was, you guessed it, Alec. Despite the otherworldly framing of the attack, we later find out that Justin was knocked back courtesy of a tripwire. More ominously, the search team finds a green pocket knife, the same weapon found in a string of child murders years prior. The way the scene is shot, it looks like the boy is being grabbed by an invisible force, but really, this is to throw us off the scent of the real killer. As phroggers, who are people that secretly squat inside occupied houses, teenagers Mindy and Alec infiltrate the suburban home of police detective Greg Harper, his counselor wife Jackie, and their teenage son Connor. Not to be confused with a February internet released film of the same name, I SEE YOU stars Helen Hunt alongside other stellar cast members. FFF Filme. Jackie Harper (Hunt) and her husband Greg (Tenney) are trying to figure out how to move forward, but their teenage son, Connor (Lewis), seems to be taking things the hardest. When the phroggers first arrive, Mindy takes a look out of the window in the living room and remarks about how she's never seen a house with a better view before. The unknown person strikes Jackie's boyfriend in the head, ultimately killing him. 14. But since the methods and the MOs match the crimes committed years ago, police must grapple with the possibility that they might've convicted the wrong man, leaving the real killer to run free and become active once again. And later, when Greg kills Mindy, he stages her body to make it look like she was breaking into his house and attacking him. Das ist -I See You-. With this in mind, the audience is going to be looking for clues throughout the film. His wife, Jackie, recently had a romantic affair with an old friend named Todd. He also hides Jackie's favorite mug which has sunflowers painted on it. December 11, 2019. In fact, the reasoning behind his immense hatred for the Harpers can actually be traced back to Alec's childhood. It may be about relationships and what it is that makes us stay together. the most flawless horror films of all time. To keep undetected, Alec and Mindy have to stay quiet and still while the Harper family is at home. At this point, Jackie and her son have no idea about Greg's crimes or any of the details about Mindy and Alec. Though his pranks start out innocently enough, they quickly escalate from childish jokes, like misplacing objects, to violently antagonizing the Harper family. From this moment onward, the film recounts events that previously transpired through the perspective of Mindy and Alec. All I See Is You ist ein bildgewaltiges Spektakel, das dem Zuschauer einen Einblick in Ginas Welt gewährt, indem die Szenen im Film immer wieder aus ihrer Perspektive gezeigt werden. In the end, Alec always had revenge on his mind while he was inside the Harper house. After all, just after Jackie leaves, the film reveals that Todd was attacked from behind while looking around for medical supplies. While the wealthy lives of the Harpers seem picturesque, they're plagued by dark secrets and dysfunction hiding behind the facade, ultimately leading to their downfall. But while Greg is out of the house, eerie things start to happen in the Harper home, putting the entire family in mortal danger. But having already promised her son a ride to school, Jackie leaves Todd alone, seemingly in stable condition. Knowing that Greg is the abductor, it's easy to see how this enabled him to direct the investigation away from key evidence. More disturbing is that his attacker has left something behind ... a green pocket knife, the same weapon left behind at the crime scenes of the murdered children. Inside, she finds the clothes that Justin Whitter, the missing child from the beginning of the film, was known to be wearing when he disappeared. I like her and I think seeing her name indicates a solid film. Just before Alec is taken to the ambulance, the police are shown closing in on a trailer that belongs to Greg. Though Greg killed several boys in the years prior to the film taking place, two had managed to escape. Adam Randall's second feature film, I See You, premiered at the South by Southwest Film Festival and stars Helen Hunt, Jon Tenney, and Judah Lewis as the Harpers, a dysfunctional family reeling from the revelation of recent infidelity. I See You starts off with the disappearance of child in a small, seemingly pleasant town. Having taken care of one intruder, Greg goes to another part of the house to deal with Alec, who he suspects is hiding in his home. And inside, they're going to find (and rescue, don't worry) the children he abducted. However, at least as far as phrogging is concerned, the wealth of the Harpers made the family a target. Unfortunately for Alec, the police arrive just in time to see him standing over a fallen officer. ... (Mild spoilers ahead.) | You hear this said for various reasons regarding any number of films, but “I See You” epitomizes a filmic dish best served cold. Surprisingly, Todd's killer is none other than Greg, who uses a baseball bat to take care of his wife's lover once and for all. It's a pretty drastic jump to go from cheating on your husband to kidnapping and murdering several children, but her lack of faithfulness doesn't just serve to make Jackie more suspicious. I See You is surprisingly short on graphic violence and completely devoid of nudity or sexual situations. Throughout the film, the Harpers experience some pretty odd occurrences, like pictures going missing from their frames, silverware disappearing, and the television turning itself on and off unprompted. Everything is escalating, and Alec decides to stow Mindy's unconscious body in the trunk of Greg's car. He says that the arresting officers will see him as a punk who shot a cop in his own home. I See You may be a relevant socio-political critique, akin to Get Out, denouncing society’s invasion of privacy, emphasizing its permeating paranoia, as well as condemning white privilege. Part thriller, part horror, part domestic drama, I See You is a film you think you’ve got a handle on, and then at the half way point…something happens. At first, I See You plays on the idea that people could be living in your home without your knowing it (recalling a recent and terrifying Twitter thread by author, screenwriter, and horror enthusiast Grady Hendrix). Throughout the film, Alec has this intense hatred of the Harpers, as reflected in his harassment of the family. The trappings of suburbia and all of the amenities of upper-middle-class living can be seen, at least in part, as a shield from many harsh realities faced by those living without financial comfort. It offers up a variety of scares and stories that keeps it pacing and intensity throughout various twists. TWITTER What seems a … Surprisingly, at this moment, the film reveals a unique twist, one that shows there's more going on in the Harper house than meets the eye. Jackie's cheating helps to make Greg seem, if not more innocent, certainly more sympathetic. I See You (2019) In einer scheinbar idyllischen Kleinstadt verschwindet ein Junge auf die gleiche unerklärliche Weise wie ein anderes Kind schon zehn Jahre zuvor. I See You - Das Böse ist näher als du denkst ein Film von Adam Randall mit Helen Hunt, Jon Tenney. A common theme throughout the film is Greg's abuse of power as a police officer, consistently using his position and influence to kill with impunity. But as she's creeping along, an unexpected person appears and murders Todd. Eye See You aka D-Tox (2002) is an excellent thriller/suspense film that will keep you guessing to the end who the killer is. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Movie Nation Roger Moore Dec 4, 2019 Taut, smart and satisfying, I See You is the sleeper of the month, and should put Graye on the radar as a screenwriter to watch. I See You performs an audacious narrative flip midway through, looping back to unlock its opening puzzle by revisiting key events from fresh angles. On top of that, Mindy finds a collection of green pocket knives, cementing Greg's identity as the child predator from years ago. The only problem with this theory? Das dürfte nicht jedem gefallen. When Connor is discovered by his parents bound in the bathroom, his mother understandably panics and whisks her son to the hospital, where the two continue to stay off-screen. Once the film skips backward to focus on the phroggers, one of the first things remarked upon by the intrepid teens is the opulence of the Harper house. Für den Schlussakt finden beide Stränge wieder harmonisch zusammen und führen in ein fesselndes Finale, das mit weiteren Überraschungen punkten kann. And that's where the film leaves them, staring at a collection of police cruisers and an ambulance by their home as Alec is wheeled out on a stretcher. There's a concept used in this film that I can't reveal because it would be a spoiler, however it is starting to be used more and more in films. Every so often, a film tosses a narrative monkey wrench into the cynical gears reviewers have kept well greased by watching copious … Considering the similarities between cases, the search team hypothesizes that Justin's disappearance could likely be related to the previous killings and the recent disappearance of another young boy. No this is a different kind of weird. A man is already serving time for the old child murders. I See You will be available in select theaters, digitally, and On Demand starting December 6th. Though this doesn't work out for Greg in the end, his power as an officer has allowed him to evade capture and assign blame to an innocent man for years. Shortly after receiving the eerie texts, Connor is attacked. Though she attempts to bargain for her life, her pleas fall on deaf ears. Though Todd begins to protest Jackie's decision, the conversation is ultimately cut short when he's struck in the back of the head by a coffee mug that's been launched from the attic. In the flashback, Greg shows the boys a green pocket knife in the moments before their abduction. Playing off of these well-established tropes, the film can easily trick audiences into believing a Hereditary-like demon is pulling the strings. It may not be as underrated as I’m making it out to be, but I can’t help to wonder how this film went under so many peoples’ radars. I See You ist ein Horrorfilm aus dem Jahr 2019 von Adam Randall mit Helen Hunt, Jon Tenney und Judah Lewis. But eventually, Mindy tires of Alec's dangerous games and threatens to call the police on her friend, believing that things have gone too far. Upon waking up in the trunk, Mindy starts looking through a bag in the back of the car, and that's when she makes a horrific discovery. I See You uses similar shot composition, camera movements, and even similarly ominous music that all works together to lend both films a sense of impending doom and voyeurism. Ein gut gemachter, ordentlicher Thriller. Fortunately, he doesn't meet the same fate as Todd, but he does find himself in a bit of a predicament. Although Mindy insists on drawing no attention to themselves while hiding inside the house, Alec begins mentally messing with the Harpers by removing photographs from their frames, turning on televisions, and urinating on Greg while he sleeps. When his parents return home, they find Connor bound and gagged in their bathtub. They belong to two teenagers named Mindy (Libe Barer) and Alec (Owen Teague, who might look familiar from the It movies), and they're filming their experience sneaking into the Harper home.
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