It is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest classic films of all time. Two Chinese friends, who operate a food truck in Barcelona, Spain, use their martial arts expertise to help their private investigator friend protect the pickpocket Sylvia, who's been targeted by a ruthless gang. Armour of God (1986) Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy Director: Jackie Chan Starring: Jackie Chan (32), Alan Tam, Lola Forner Armour of God would be best described as Jackie Chan’s version of Indiana Jones. He saves a robbery's loot and gets on television, ends up in Istanbul via South Korea, and accidentally becomes a spy. At a Hong Kong shopping center, Buck Yuen's (Jackie Chan's) intuition warns him. Jackie Chan plays an ex-singer-turned-fortune-hunter, whose ex-girlfriend is kidnapped by an evil cult. Jackie Chan stars as Asian Hawk, an Indiana Jones-style adventurer looking to make a fortune in exotic antiquities. Armour of God was filmed on location in parts of what was then Yugoslavia: Zagreb (Dolac Central Market), Upper town, Trnje (near the then-unfinished building of Croatian Radio Television), Croatia, and Predjama Castle near Postojna, Slovenia. Search for "Lung hing foo dai" on, Title: This page was last edited on 18 February 2021, at 00:45. I am mentioning all this because this is the reason the middle of the movie is so slow. Armour of God Vilões sequestram a ex-namorada de Jackie e atual namorada do seu amigo cantor, que não hesita em pedir sua ajuda para resgatá-la. Jackie, a.k.a. Pelo menos 20 – alguns deles, múltiplas vezes! موقع ايجي بست مشاهدة افلام ومسلسلات مترجمة – EgyBest صنع في مصر . Chan Kong-sang SBS MBE PMW (Chinese: 陳 港 生; born 7 April 1954), known professionally as Jackie Chan, is a Hong Kong martial artist, actor, stuntman, filmmaker, action choreographer, and singer. Durante as filmagens de "Armadura de Deus", em 1986, Jackie Chan quase morreu. What different versions of the movie exist. So, as soon as he was able to get out of bed, they re-wrote the middle part of the movie to exclude all the eye-popping stunts that Jackie had originally planned. But for 40 years, the master of combining them has been Jackie Chan. Born Chan Kong-Sang, on April 7th 1954 in Hong Kong One of the Seven Little Fortunes with Sammo Hung , Yuen Biao , Corey Yuen , Yuen Wah , Yuen Tak and Yuen Miu Pupil of Yu Jim-Yuen Baixar Armadura de Deus Dublado Torrent A self-indulgent private investigator winds up on a cruise ship full of rich patrons, gorgeous women, murderous terrorists, and scarce food. Ninja the Protector (1986): Jackie Chan, Richard Harrison, David Bowles, Godfrey Ho: Movies & TV Jackie Chan is a prolific singer, having started producing records in the early 80s. The end of the movie picks up with Jackie, his side kick, and the love interest, infiltrating a castle run by monks, and they try to steal a treasure guarded by fiesty amazon women who wear lots of '80s style makeup. At May's rest home, Lorelei drugs Alan and has him steal the three armour pieces. After successfully stealing a sword from an African tribe, he has the weapon auctioned before it is won by May Bannon, the beautiful daughter of Count Bannon. [7] [8] É uma história underdog no molde de um sucesso anterior de Avildsen de 1976, o … The second movie "OPERATION CONDOR" was a lot better as a whole. As a result, he now has a permanent hole in his head filled with a plastic plug and slight hearing loss in one ear. Jackie sneaks back to the monastery and rescues his friends. He flew down to Yugoslavia and went to the set (with a jetlag) to jump from a wall to a tree. The cult possesses two pieces of a legendary armour called the "Armour of God", and they intend to have Jackie bring them the three remaining armour pieces, including the sword. In the United States, Armour of God did not receive a theatrical release. But PART 2 (the first of the films) is definitely a must-see (despite the confusing title). Jackie Chan Sing Lung, (1986) No Problem, (1987) Jackie Chan, (1988) First Time, (1992) Dragon's Heart, (1996) With All One's Heart, (2002) Kompilacije albuma. Chan continued to work, even engaging in water-skiing without skis. Jackie Chan stars as Asian Hawk, an Indiana Jones-style adventurer looking to make a fortune in exotic antiquities. "Jackie's Aches and Pains: It Only Hurts When I'm Not Laughing", "Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average) - Hong Kong", "Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average) - Japan", "Historical currency converter with official exchange rates (TWD)", "Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average) - Korea, Rep", "MOVIE REVIEW : 'Armour of God': Chan as an Adventurer for Hire", "Armour of God (Long xiong hu di) (Operation Condor 2) (1987)",, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Ken Boyle as Grand Wizard, the leader of the evil religious cult, Robert O'Brien as the African witch doctor, Boris Gregoric as Jackie's representative at the auction. He started singing the theme songs over the closing credits of his films in 1980, when the film The Young Master was produced. 29 of 36 people found this review helpful. Votes: 17,836 Love again ( beach story) je t'aime je t'aime. In the beginning action sequence, he does this awesome chase scene where he is bounding across the walls of a castle. "Asian Hawk", is a former musician who becomes an adventurer and treasure hunter. Chen Yuen-Lung, Chan Kong-Sang, Chen Yuan-Lung, Cheng Lung, Fang Shi-Long, Sing Lung, Jacky Chan, Jackie Chen, Chen Wen-Lung, Chan Yuen-Lung, Chen Hsin, 陳文龍, 陳元龍 Born: April 7th, 1954 (Hong Kong) Dublado HD. As Alan and Lorelei make their escape, Jackie fends off against the cult members before discovering the Armour of God in a cave. Since then he has produced over 20 different albums, singing over 100 songs in over five … Don't Stop The Romance (Shangri La) 3:32; Jackie Chan - 5. Directors: Jackie Chan, Xavier Lee | Stars: Jackie Chan, Ken Lo, Bradley James Allan, Anthony Carpio. This movie was actually made before "Operation: Condor." My favourite Jackie Chan movies in order. They infiltrate the hideout and secretly rescue Lorelei, unaware that the cult leaders have anticipated their arrival and brainwashed her to do their bidding. Yaron . Produção: Jadran Film, Golden Harvest Company, Golden Way Films Ltd. Sinopse: Vilões … The movie has a great beginning, and then it is destroyed by an agonizing slow middle, and then it picks up again with an action packed ending. Be like a storm. Some filmmakers can do action. The film co-stars Alan Tam, Lola Forner and Rosamund Kwan.[1]. ‘Why Don’t You Just Die!’ Blu-ray Review (Arrow Video), WatchMojo: Top 10 Actors Who Almost Died on Set. Her fiance, an old friend of Jackie's, turns to him for help - as the kidnappers intended... lots of cooool, Jackie style action and laughs. I don't care if there was a stunt pad there, it is a HARD LANDING! He started singing the theme songs over the closing credits of his films in 1980, when the film The Young Master was produced. A Secret Agent loses his memory after falling from a crashing helicopter. Ninja the Protector (1986) is a classic movie directed by Godfrey Ho, and starring Jackie Chan; Richard Harrison; David Bowles. Se a pessoa é fã desse gênero, é bem provável que já tenha visto alguns filmes do ator – mas nem todo mundo conhece a sua […] The scene in which May, disguised as a prostitute, encounters a monk who wants to sleep with her. Opções. [2][3] Chan replaced Eric Tsang as director following the accident. [8] Footage of the accident is shown during the film's ending credits. He's accompanied from Spain by 2 (later 3) cute women. After Hawk discovers a mysterious sword in Africa, a band of Satan-worshipping monks kidnap his ex-girlfriend Lorelei, demanding the sword as ransom as well as other pieces of the legendary Armour of God - a magical outfit dating back to the Crusades. ジャッキー・チェン 八月のカルメン (1986) 4:45; Jackie Chan - 1. 5. They continued filming this lame, muddled attempt at a romance plot until Jackie was more healed. Qualidade de Áudio: 10 Qualidade de Vídeo: 10 IMDb 7.1. [13] It was the highest-grossing film in Hong Kong at the time. Disclaimer: Just because some Jackie Chan films have to be at the bottom of the list, that doesn't mean I don't like them. [4] In Japan, the film grossed ¥1.36 billion[10] (US$9.4 million). [10] The film was released in Hong Kong on 21 January 1987.[11]. Jackie Chan, Hong Kong-born Chinese stuntman, actor, and director whose perilous acrobatic stunts and engaging physical humor made him an action-film star in Asia and helped to bring kung fu movies into the American mainstream. When Jackie decided to make this movie, he was being greatly influenced by the smash hit "Raiders of the Lost Ark," and wanted to make a movie in that adventure style. Only for your love. [23], In 2014, Time Out polled several film critics, directors, actors and stunt actors to list their top action films. Jackie Chan plays an ex-singer-turned-fortune-hunter, whose ex-girlfriend is kidnapped by an evil cult. Jackie Chan stars as Asian Hawk, an Indiana Jones-style adventurer looking to make a fortune in exotic antiquities. Jackie Chan plays an ex-singer-turned-fortune-hunter, whose ex-sweetheart is abducted by a sinister organization . A new musical score was created for this release, and a new English dub (with the participation of Chan). Álbum Shangrila De Jackie Chan • 1986 - 10 músicas . In the first take, Jackie actually made it across. Edit page. The Karate Kid (bra: Karatê Kid [3]) é um filme sino-norte-americano de 2010, dos gêneros ação e drama, dirigido por Harald Zwart e produzido por Will e Jada Pinkett Smith. First off, Jackie Chan in this film does a good job being, well, Jackie Chan! This fourth installment of Chan's Police Story film franchise has our hero trying to locate a missing nuclear warhead. OUCH! After Hawk discovers a mysterious sword in Africa, a band of Satan-worshipping monks kidnap his ex-girlfriend Lorelei, demanding the sword as ransom as well as other pieces of the legendary Armour of God - a magical outfit dating back to the Crusades. Fortunately, he knows Kung Fu. (1986). During filming of the opening sequence, one scene called for Jackie Chan to jump from a wall to a tree branch. A young man visiting and helping his uncle in New York City finds himself forced to fight a street gang and the mob with his martial art skills. The film also takes you on the sets of "Who Am I?" Jackie Chan [n 1], né Chan Kong-Sang [n 2] le 7 avril 1954 à Hong Kong [1], est un acteur, chanteur, cascadeur, scénariste, réalisateur et producteur chinois.. Il est spécialiste en arts martiaux et est reconnu mondialement dans ses films d'action.Dans ses films, il est connu pour son style de combat , son sens de l'humour et ses cascades sensationnelles. He is perhaps most famous and best known for his uncanny combination and twist of both action and comedy in his films. Chan sang its theme song, titled "Kung Fu Fighting Man" entirely in English. List will be updated as and when I watch more of his film's. Let’s see how he does it. Votes: 16,423 For some reason, they titled this movie as if it were a sequel. After a couple of bluffs, he carelessly lights up the fuse and throws away the sticks of dynamite, running for his life as the monastery quickly begins to cave in, burying the entire cult and the Armour of God. The scene also includes a brainwashed Lorelei attempting to seduce Jackie. Asian Hawk (Jackie Chan) and his bumbling sidekick are sent on a quest through Europe to find a mysterious treasure held by a shadowy organization of monks. A singer-turned-fortune-hunter (Jackie Chan) embarks on a quest through Europe with his bumbling crew of sidekicks, in search of a mysterious treasure held by a shadowy organization of monks. Jackie Chan, Actor: Ngo si seoi. Vilões sequestram a ex-namorada de Jackie e atual namorada do seu amigo cantor, que não hesita em pedir sua ajuda para resgatá-la.
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