Khutulun (c. 1260 – c. 1306), aussi connue sous le nom de Aigiarne [1], Aiyurug, Khotol Tsagaan ou Ay Yaruq [2] (littéralement Clair de lune) [1] est la fille la plus célèbre de Qaïdu et la nièce de Kubilai Khan.Son père apprécie ses aptitudes et elle l'accompagne durant ses campagnes militaires. … By the time she was born, the Mongols ruled the largest part of the world, a gift they got in inheritance from Genghis Khan, who was Khutulun’s great-great-grandfather. It seems that she had quite the warrior’s physique, with Marco Polo describing her as “So well-made in all her limbs, and so tall and strongly built, that she might almost be taken for a giantess.” With a description like that, it is small wonder that there were a ton of suitors. Marco Polo (TV Series 2014–2016) Claudia Kim as Khutulun. Cuộc sống. Nov 24, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Catelyn "Kalla". Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming … your own Pins on Pinterest Marco Polo, tsé LE Marco Polo, a vu Khutulun de ses yeux vue, pis y parle d’elle dans son Livre des merveilles. He doesn't show at feast held in his honor by Kaidu. Mei Lin finds a way to get closer to Kublai. Khutulun. Khutulun a la cultura popular. Marco Polo la décrit comme une guerrière extraordinaire, capable de foncer dans les rangs ennemis, de capturer un ennemi et de le ramener à son père comme un faucon prend une proie. Giacomo Puccini es basà en ella per a crear un personatge per a la seua òpera Turandot. Episode 7 Add a photo to this gallery Episode 9 Add a photo to this gallery Khutulun was a Mongolian noblewoman who lived during the time of the Mongol Empire. On the day of the fight with the handsome prince, a massive crowd had gathered to watch, including Marco Polo and members of … alyssasketches: Khutulun | The Wrestler Princess Famous also for her feats performed while riding into battle with her father, Khutulun stands shining among the writings of Marco Polo. If they won, they could marry Khutulun, and if they lost, they had to give away the horses. Marco gets close to Khutulun, Kaidu's daughter. Marco Polo and Rashid al-Din both wrote of her.. Khutulun was born about 1260. 1306), also known as Aiyurug or Khotol Tsagaan, was the most famous daughter of Kaidu and the niece of Kublai Khan.Her father was most pleased by her abilities, and she accompanied him on military campaigns. According to Marco Polo, a particularly handsome … Fierce warrior Khutulun lives on in Netflix series, Marco Polo’s writings and the Puccini opera Turandot, plus Mongolia’s Nadaam games. Khutulun sinh ra vào năm 1260 hoặc 1280, trong thời điểm cha của cô có quyền lực nhất ở Trung Á, trị vì từ tây Mông cổ đến Oxus, và từ Trung tâm Siberia cao Nguyên đến Ấn độ. Il assiste son père dans de nombreuses batailles, en particulier ceux contre grand Khan Kublai. The show premiered on Netflix on December 12, 2014. She is recorded to have been a great warrior and was especially noted for her prowess in the sport of wrestling. Directed by Alik Sakharov. Referències Orus was the son of Kaidu and older brother to Khutulun. However, as the great-great-granddaughter of Genghis Khan, she was known as a Mongolian princess and feared warrior. Menu. Khutulun had a cousin off in China living that civilized life and founding the Yuan Dynasty and stuff. Kublai mourns the loss of his brother. 1260 – ca. The Book of General Ignorance. Veure més » Marco Polo. Much of what is known about Khutulun comes from the written historical accounts of Marco Polo and the Persian historian Rashad al-Din. Discover (and save!) Many men came forward, but none of them could succeed, and in a follow up, Khutulun kept increasing the size of her herd. Marco Polo [1] et Rashid al-Din ont tous les deux écrit à propos d'elle. Byamba/Khutulun/Marco Polo (Marco Polo) (1) Exclude Additional Tags Kissing (3) Drabble Sequence (2) Origin Story (2) OT3 (1) Cunnilingus (1) First Time (1) Pegging (1) Fingerfucking (1) Pre-Canon (1) Reconciliation (1) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. But our girl was not about that. Everyone was convinced that this would be the future husband of Khutulun, and when the fight was scheduled, word spread quickly that this may be “the one”. « Kaïdu allait jamais au combat sans sa fille, parce qu’elle était plus vaillante que n’importe quel de ses guerriers. With Lorenzo Richelmy, Benedict Wong, Joan Chen, Rick Yune. Khutulun was born about 1260. A la sèrie del 2014 Marco Polo hi és representada com a personatge, sent interpretada per Claudia Kim. Marco Polo and Rashid al-Din both wrote of her. Pengembara dari Venetia itu mencatatkan bahawa Khutulun “dikurniakan tubuh badan yang sangat sihat, memiliki ketinggian dan kegagahan yang luar biasa sampaikan beliau hampir dianggap sebagai gergasi”. Khutulun (ca. However, Khutulun wouldn’t have any of it. Khutulun: | | ||| | |Tamgha| of |Kaidu|, |House of Ögedei|. Marco Polo [1] et Rashid al-Din ont tous les deux écrit à propos d'elle. While Khutulun was not unique among Mongolian women in her pursuits of archery, horse-riding, and wrestling, she was singular in that she never lost. Her father was most pleased by her abilities, and she accompanied him on military campaigns. Marco Polo và Rashid al Din đều viết về cô như vậy. Khutulun for President Marco Polo TV Show Series T Shirt L Black: Clothing & Accessories It wasn’t just her athletic skills against men that brought her fame. Movies. Over the next few years, several men tried their strength and luck with her, but nobody succeeded. Khutulun Was A Fearless Warrior. Khutulun was born as the cousin of Kublai Khan at the height of civil war in the vast Mongol empire. Italian dude who went on an extended gap year to Asia back before that was a thing, then wrote a book about it in jail? 1306), also known as Aiyurug or Khotol Tsagaan, was the most famous daughter of Kaidu and the niece of Kublai Khan. She rolled out the condition that she would marry the man who would beat her in wrestling. According to Marco Polo (do we all know Marco Polo? Such was her renown that she was written about by Rashid al-Din, a Persian writer living in the Ilkhanate, and the famed Venetian travel, Marco Polo. 1260 – ca. Marco Polo décrit comme Khutulun un superbe guerrier, capable de rouler à travers les lignes ennemies et de capturer un prisonnier avec la facilité avec laquelle un faucon attrape un poulet. Marco Polo wrote that Khutulun wanted to marry a man who was more skilled and physically stronger than her. Khutulun (c. 1260 – c. 1306), aussi connue sous le nom de Aigiarne [1], Aiyurug, Khotol Tsagaan ou Ay Yaruq [2] (littéralement Clair de lune) [1] est la fille la plus célèbre de Qaïdu et la nièce de Kubilai Khan.Son père apprécie ses aptitudes et elle l'accompagne durant ses campagnes militaires. Khutulun/Marco Polo (Marco Polo) Khutulun (Marco Polo) Marco Polo; Making Out; Episode Tag: s01e03 Feast; Summary. Khutulun, also known as Aigiarne, Aiyurug, Khotol Tsagaan, or Ay Yaruq, was the most famous daughter of Kaidu and the niece of Kublai Khan.Her father was most pleased by her abilities, and she accompanied him on military campaigns. He wrote that Khutulun would often leave her father’s side, ride up to the enemy and grab one and then bring the enemy soldier back to … Marco Polo is an American drama streaming television series inspired by Marco Polo's early years in the court of Kublai Khan, the Khagan of the Mongol Empire and the founder of the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368). The series was created by John Fusco and stars Lorenzo Richelmy in the title role, with Benedict Wong as Kublai Khan. Marco Polo described her as a very cool and courageous warrior. Les prétendants de la princesse Khutulun sont nombreux, mais elle n’a aucun désir de se marier. catatan marco polo mengenai khutulun Salah satu sumber maklumat berkenaan Khutulun datang daripada penulisan Marco Polo. Khutulun (ca. Marco Polo and Rashid al-Din both wrote of her.. Khutulun was born about 1260. He can’t appreciate her skills properly, not a … Jan 2, 2015 - Marco Polo Khutulun is wise beyond her years. Marco Polo (Venècia, 15 de setembre de 1254John Lloyd i John Mitchinson. Marco fails to find the man, who is receiving jewels from Kokachin.
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