During their studies, students can participate in various welcome and leisure activities. Ini­ti­ated in 1960, CIUTI (pro­nounced [’sju:ti]) is the world’s old­est and most pres­ti­gious inter­na­tional asso­ci­a­tion of uni­ver­sity insti­tutes with trans­la­tion and inter­pre­ta­tion pro­grammes. There are discounts for museums and performances, for example, and students can also articipate in student initiatives. For students wanting to start their own business KU Leuven also has Lcie, the KU Leuven community that encourages students with innovative and entrepreneurial ideas. This institution accepts IELTS! Faculty of Psychology and Educational SciencesDekenstraat 2 box 37003000 LEUVEN, Belgiumppw.internationaldegrees@kuleuven.be, Questions about student life in Belgium and life at KU Leuven? Law, Faculty of Economics and Pour l'accès aux études d'ingénieur civil, de médecine et de dentisterie, KU Leuven is, thus, home to a vibrant community of international students and staff members, spread across its various campuses. Whenever they need it, they can also count on the support of Student Services. Brochure Theology Programmes in English (pdf) A lot of international students participate in associations to give students from their country a warm welcome, share their culture and background with the university community and organise activities where students can meet. La réussite de cet examen permet l'admission au premier cycle de toutes les études universitaires de la Communauté française de Belgique. Applications that are not complete after the deadline will not be further considered. Read more, Ideal for those with an interest in the physical remnants of people of the past, archaeology courses straddle the humanities and  Religious Studies, Faculty of Many of our graduates go on to pursue academic careers at top universities. ; 1 June for EEA applicants and non-EEA applicants living in Belgium with a residence permit. Certificate Malting and Brewing Technology (Ghent) Certificate The Use of Molecular Biology and Ecology in Industrial Processes (Leuven) Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering (Bruges et al) As a future scientist, you are driven by your interest in the human mind and human behaviour. The programme answers a range of unmet requests from students, clinicians, researchers as well as from the broad professional medical education field. Today, it is Belgium’s highest-ranked university as well as one of the oldest and most renowned universities in Europe. Arts, Faculty of Location: Leuven; Academic calendar: 1st semester: 3rd week of September - end of January (exams in January) 2nd semester: 2nd week of February - July (exams in June) Programme guide: Specific course descriptions and detailed admission requirements can be found in the programme guide. During your bachelor's and master's programme you can already shape your own profile by choosing a certain specialisation, studying abroad (Erasmus), doing a work placement, or starting your own business. Please check the specific English language requirements for your chosen course with the university, PhD Scholarship - Philosophy (Applied Ethics). Find out more about the degree and language requirements for bachelor's programmes at KU Leuven university. IEEE 802.11r-2008 or fast BSS transition (FT), also called fast roaming, is an amendment to the IEEE 802.11 standard to permit continuous connectivity aboard wireless devices in motion, with fast and secure handoffs from one base station to another managed in a seamless manner. Apart from educational matters, the council is also involved in other relevant policy domains of the university such as sustainability, diversity, internationalisation and IT. chart, Master of Psychology: Theory and Research (120 ECTS), Blueprint_MA_Psychology_Theory and Research.pdf, Master in de psychologie (verkort programma voor studenten gestart vanaf 2020-2021) (Leuven), Master in de communicatiewetenschappen (Leuven), Educatieve master in de gedragswetenschappen (verkort programma) (Leuven), Educatieve master in de gedragswetenschappen (verkort programma) (Brussel), Educatieve master in de gedragswetenschappen (verkort programma) (Geel), Educatieve master in de gedragswetenschappen (verkort programma) (Aalst), Educatieve master in de gedragswetenschappen (verkort programma) (Kortrijk), Educatieve master in de gedragswetenschappen (verkort programma) (Brugge), Educatieve master in de gedragswetenschappen (verkort programma) (Diepenbeek), Educatieve master in de gedragswetenschappen (verkort programma) (Antwerpen), Educatieve master in de gedragswetenschappen (verkort programma) (Gent), Master of Psychology: Theory and Research (Leuven), How to Thanks, Along with biological sciences and physics, chemistry is one of the three main arms of science. Science, Faculty of statement, Facts and IEEE 802.11r-2008 was rolled up into 802.11-2012. Find your perfect University program with our matching tool. chart, Mission This desk is set up two weeks before the start of the Orientation Days in September and is open from early in the morning until late in the evening. Are there any restrictions being placed on international applicants? co-operation, Academic Admission requirements Master of Psychology: Theory and Research . What advice is the university offering to applicants unable to take an English-language test due to centers being closed? All non-native English speakers are required to submit proof of English proficiency. please complete the contact form on our website. Please login or register to post your question. You can download and submit your application form via www.kuleuven.be/application. Together, they represent over 140 countries. LOKO represents students in all student-related matters, from housing, food, mobility, diversity, and culture to sustainability, health, student services and student life. I am an Indian Student and interested in pursuing my MBBS from ku Lieue . Our students have conducted their internships at top universities and institutes worldwide, including: 1 March 2021(for non-EEA citizens) 1 June 2021 (for EEA citizens). READ MORE. Admissions Officer: Ingrid Wouters Address: Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies Sint-Michielsstraat 4 box 3100 BE-3000 Leuven, Belgium (first floor, room 01.17) Phone: + 32/16/32 38 69 E-mail: Ingrid Wouters. LRD has a long and productive tradition of patenting, licencing, collaborating with the industry, and creating of spin-off companies. > In most cases, to qualify for admission to an initial master’s programme, you must hold an appropriate undergraduate degree (usually a bachelor’s degree) consisting of at least  three years of full-time, university-level studies. The Sustainable Development Living Lab is a field course integrated in the ICP master on Sustainable Development in which students work in small teams to develop a sustainable development strategy for a specific region in a Global South. Read more, Laptop, tablet or smartphone, you’re reading this guide on a device created using the expertise, theories and skills gained from computer science degrees. Unlike some other KU Leuven-programmes, you are not granted an additional month after the deadline to complete your dossier. Master's programmes. A KU Leuven degree offers a significant competitive advantage and is highly valued around the world. apply, Degree-seeking the associated preventive measures for each risk, such as medical follow-up, personal protective equipment and instructions. Candidates submit an application file via KU Leuven’s online application system . Each year, the KU Leuven Welcome Desk at Brussels Airport welcomes new international students. KU Leuven has a strong record of securing funding from the most competitive research funds, including the prestigious ERC Grants awarded by the European Research Council. It continuously strives to integrate the local and international student and research communities on all its campuses through a variety of programmes and activities. All applications are evaluated by both KU Leuven admissions office and the relevant programme directors. Office, Student The primary purpose of the Master of Psychology: Theory and Research is to prepare students to pursue a PhD project or a research career outside academia. Julio Pascual. press, Who's One of the main reasons for this strong position is the high number of publications,  citations, collaborations with industry and patent filings. I am having an MPhil in Applied Ethics (specialising in Social and Political Ethics) from St Augustine College of South Africa. Is there any possibility of acquiring a scholarship and register with your university? Master’s thesis: Students conduct independent psychological research in line with their own interests. These agreements facilitate both student and staff mobility, create and stimulate cooperation in research and education, and enable capacity building and university development cooperation. The following examples are only a selection of KU Leuven’s current and future facilities and underline the university’s efforts and investments. Is the university still accepting applications? These are EEA and non-EEA citizens who are admitted to come to KU Leuven, with a scholarship or as self-supporting scholars, for a short programme of maximum 90 days, of studies and research, independent of any employment contract. The following procedure applies for students holding a non-Flemish degree and an admission letter, who will not be able to arrive in person to Belgium before the start of the academic year. The Master of Science in Psychology: Theory and Research welcomes motivated and inspired students who are aiming for a research career in the psychological, behavioural, or quantitative data sciences. The centre also coaches you in the search for an interesting job and helps you with job interviews. the risks to which the student is exposed during the study programme (practicals, traineeships, master's theses,…). Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences, Cookie Students must meet the admission requirements specific to their chosen programme of study. Association, Stellenbosch I am a South African who would like to register for a PhD in Applied Ethics and require a scholarship. students, Non-degree-seeking Read more. students, Doctoral After all, the importance of high-tech facilities is recognised by researchers from all domains. They can critically examine scientific developments in psychology, and express and justify their scientific views and decisions. The ECTS quality label guarantees that all credits obtained at KU Leuven are transparent and fully transferable. Autonomous University of Barcelona - Department of Nephrology . They have developed a general scientific attitude, effective communication and reporting skills, as well as personal maturity and sensitivity to ethical and moral issues in psychological practice and research. Questions about student life in Belgium and life at KU Leuven? It has been organised every year since 1972 by the student association LOKO. Excellence in education and excellence in research go hand in hand. Ask our students. Barcelona Spain. Dolores Arenas. Please consult the website for the most recent information: www.kuleuven.be/tuitionfees. The university also works with a select number of top-level partner institutions worldwide, and stimulates purposeful international mobility and intensive research cooperation. Is the university making any changes to entry requirements (i.e. How are applications for university accommodation being handled? The University Library is strongly aware of its responsibility in providing educational support. It can be defined as the study of matter – what it’s composed of and its structure, its properties, and how it reacts and changes when exposed to who, Organisational They can apply this knowledge to the analysis of specific psychological and societal problems. The university’s research output consistently ranks among Europe’s best. > To qualify for admission to a doctoral programme, you must hold a master’s degree and have a doctoral advisor (in Dutch, a ‘promotor’) willing to supervise your doctoral studies. KU Leuven is the only non-American university in the Reuters top 5 of the world’s most innovative universities (2017). networks, Development The system features an in-house medical centre with GPs and psychologists, professional career guidance by the Student Career Centre, an extensive housing database with student-friendly housing, counselling in case of social or financial problems, expert legal advice and extra support for specific target groups, e.g. In the context of the wellbeing law certain data must be stored for each student and they must be informed timely on the subject of: 1 March (for non-EEA citizens)1 June (for EEA citizens), Most recent information on www.kuleuven.be/tuitionfees, 1st semester: end of September -> end of January (exams in January), 2nd semester: half of February -> end of June (exams in June), Download the brochureRequest the brochure, Excellent students who are eligible for a, Who's The research masters programme aims at guiding students to become independent researchers in psychological science. You can also visit one of the events organised by the Career Centre. Internship: Students complete an internship (120 days) at one of our faculty research groups or choose from one of many top universities and institutes worldwide. Coffee and board games, lively debates and lectures on intercultural topics, a wide variety of social activities, volunteering opportunities: all organised by and for students. test results, required documents)? Interested in studying computer science and contributing to the next phase of this fast International students can request a personal buddy. Students with a Flemish degree can consult www.kuleuven.be/inschrijven. The Student Career Centre is happy to put you on the right track towards your first work experience. calendar, Services and KU Leuven has a broad offer of cultural activities for its students to enjoy. figures, International The University of Copenhagen invites applications for a full-time PhD studentship in STEM starting on October 1, 2021. In the spirit of hospitality and intercultural understanding, Pangaea aims to create a home-away-from- home for Belgian and international students, and wants to support collaboration within the Leuven university community. May I please get an idea about your fee structures amd scholarships . Admission is ultimately at the discretion of the faculty. In case of questions regarding the study programmes, admission requirements, application procedure, certificate & diploma’s, tuition fees etc. How is the university handling applicants whose exams have been cancelled? Degree requirements vary by category and programme. Services, Jobs and The PhD Society is an international interfaculty organisation of doctoral students that aims to promote interaction and cooperation between Belgian and international doctoral students. KU Leuven’s Master of Science in Business Administration programme is designed to challenge students to think, perform and grow towards a successful launch of their careers and to prepare them to move on to leadership positions - from supervisory to more senior roles - in entrepreneurial start-ups, multinational companies or non-profit organisations. There are discounts for museums and performances, for example, and students can also  articipate in student initiatives. In order to consolidate its position as most innovative university of Europe, KU Leuven continues to invest in its infrastructure. - Sport - KU Leuven students can practice over 70 sports in the sports centres, and/or join a sports club. and society, Postdoc KU Leuven currently accepts TOEFL (iBT) and , IELTS and Cambridge English Examination results. Application Deadlines. This is a KU Leuven student or staff member who volunteers to introduce them to the Belgian way of (university) life. Welcome to Ciuti! As a leading European research university and co-founder of the League of European Research Universities (LERU), KU Leuven offers a wide variety of programmes in English. The academic year officially starts at the end of September. KU Leuven is a leading institution when it comes to the valorisation of research and innovation. Find your nearest test centre and test dates. The faculty offers a challenging and dynamic study environment with research-based education delivered in close interaction with internationally renowned researchers. Andreas Ernst Ferdinand Utermann (born January 1966) is a British businessman who led Allianz Global Investors, a global investment company, for eight years from 2012, initially as a co-head and Global Chief Investment Officer and then as CEO from 2016. The programme also provides a solid background for international careers in a variety of other settings, such as: A strong psychological knowledge, combined with thorough background in data science and statistics and research methodology makes a unique profile in the labour market. Architecture, Faculty of Admission requirements . Don’t know where to start? Flexibility and state-of-the-art technology are integral to each study programme. KU Leuven is the sixth-ranked university when it comes to the number of projects under the EU Horizon 2020 Programme, only preceded by Cambridge, Oxford, University College London, Copenhagen and Imperial College. University, Key and impact, Vision and students, Short-term 20% of the university’s 60,057 students come from abroad. The 24-hour Relay Race, for instance, is the biggest sports event for  students at the university. Acknowledging the increasing importance of international research experience in scientific and career development, students may complete their internship at one of the research groups of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at KU Leuven, or they can complete part or all of their internship outside Leuven. These associations can be linked to specific countries or can be centred around a certain theme. Hospital del Mar-IMIM - Department of Nephrology . COVID-19 Information : Please check the Admissions tab. your stay, International For the majority of applicants this will be an IELTS (Academic) of 6.5 with a 5.5 in each subskill or a GCSE in Welsh language. Admission is based on the evaluation by the Programme Advisory Committee of a complete application file. ; In principle, applications to the doctoral programme can be submitted throughout the year. support, Boards and who, Organisational Please note that evaluation of applications is based on complete files only and that the criteria published are basic (eligibility) criteria only. The programme of these Orientation Days includes tips and tricks, guided city tours, visits in and around Leuven, information and enrolment sessions and lots of opportunities to meet fellow Belgian and/or foreign students from the different faculties. Admission requirements Master of Psychology: Theory and Research. KU Leuven - Clinical and Experimental Endocrinology ( email) Oude Markt 13 Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant 3000 Belgium. Bioscience Engineering, Faculty of Excellent students who are eligible for a Master Mind Scholarship are invited to submit their application before 1 February 2020. Staff members and volunteers help the students get to campus, make sure they know their way around and help them with any other urgent questions. Internship coordinators and faculty members help students locate and arrange internships at international research groups around the world. Please note that evaluation of applications is based on complete files only and that the criteria published are … 1 March for non-EEA applicants. funding, Industry Originally founded in the year 1425 as the University of Leuven, the … The Student Career Centre's databases contain offers for jobs, volunteer work, innovation projects and student jobs. Its efforts towards the integration of information skills in bachelor’s and master’s programmes are just one example of this, as is providing adequate infrastructure for students. policy, Faculty of Theology and They are committed to lifelong learning. Chaque année un examen d'admission aux études de premier cycle de l'enseignement supérieur est organisé au sein de l'UCLouvain conformément aux dispositions légales. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Visiting Scholars cannot apply themselves, they have to be invited by a KU Leuven staff member. They can draw on this knowledge both in processing their own research data and in critically assessing research conducted by others. - Places to study, do some research or read -. Engineering Technology, Faculty KU Leuven and its faculties have concluded partnership agreements with a large number of universities and research institutions around the world. Business, Faculty of Social The deadlines for 2021-2022 applications are:. Applications for the 2021-2022 academic year open 1 November.. study visits, Prepare students with a disability. Canon Law, Institute of How can applicants contact the university about their application? To be eligible and to ensure an optimal match with the programme, applicants should: We have selected a few MOOCS (massive online open courses) which are suitable for students who are unsure about their basic knowledge of mathematics and statistics. Admission is ultimately at the discretion of the faculty. Students are expected to be proficient in English. Graduates have insight into theory and research in the basic domains of psychology and their own chosen areas of specialization. Final admission decisions are made on a per-programme basis by the board responsible for that particular programme. pharmaceutical, food, and medical technology industries. scientific research and policy functions in research institutes, somatic and mental health treatment institutions, centres for educational research and counselling. hold a Bachelor or Master’s degree in Psychology or in a related field of science and technology, possess a solid background in statistics and research methods, have an affinity with psychological research, be able to demonstrate sufficient English language proficiency. Student Services offers a unique and comprehensive support system where students can ask for help on anything related to living and studying. KU Leuven uses an online application system. The Buddy Kick-Off helps the pairs get off to a good start, while buddy workshops throughout the semester encourage them to stay in touch. Careers, News and Graduate study programmes at KU Leuven are divided into three categories: initial master’s programmes, advanced master’s programmes, and doctoral studies. Boasting an outstanding central location in the heart of Europe, KU Leuven offers a truly international experience, high-quality education, world-class research, and cutting-edge innovation. The KU Leuven deglutology programme meets an urgent clinical need as society will be increasingly confronted with patients with dysphagia. Internationalisation is key in the policy of the university’s board. Philosophy, Faculty of About the programme. L'accès au bachelier en sciences de l'ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil ou ingénieur civil architecte est conditionné à la réussite d'un examen d'admission (aussi appelé "examen d'entrée"). > To qualify for admission to an advanced master’s programme, you are expected to hold a master’s degree. Last update: 25/06/2020 Comments on this page: Faculty of Economics and Business KU Leuven KU Leuven students can practice over 70 sports in the sports centres, and/or join a sports club. The Master of Psychology: Theory and  Research aims to guide students to become independent researchers in psychological science through: In addition to individual and group-based coursework, students become immersed in ongoing multidisciplinary research at the faculty. These programmes are supported by high-quality inter disciplinary research carried out at both the university and its internationally acclaimed hospitals. KU Leuven’s study programmes are research-based, which ensures that students acquire academic competences while also developing a critical and research-oriented attitude. It contributes to the Education and Examination Regulations, study counselling and quality of education, among other things. All applications will be reviewed by Admissions KU Leuven (Phase 1) and Application Commission of the Master programme (Phase 2). They are familiar with the methodology of behavioural research, and with its potential and limitations. councils, KU Leuven It was published on July 15, 2008. COVID-19 policy: the programme is only offered on campus. The successful candidates will be based at The Open University’s campus in Milton Keynes, which combines a friendly and flexible working environment with exceptional research and computing facilities. Ask our students. Founded in 1425, KU Leuven has been a centre of learning for almost six centuries. What is the status of planned campus admission open days/tours? Engineering Science, Faculty of Areas, Support and the in-depth study of the basic disciplines of psychology, supplemented with a specialization in subdisciplines like neuroscience, perception, cognition and language, emotion, social and cross-cultural psychology, learning psychology, quantitative psychology and so on. Objectives Learning outcomes ... For students wanting to start their own business KU Leuven also has Lcie, the KU Leuven community that encourages students with innovative and entrepreneurial ideas.
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