He first appeared in the Season 2 episode " Wacky Floats," but his origins were not revealed until the episode " PJ Robot." Robot 7. The Robot, also known as Le robot démolisseur is Roméo Mécano 's utility robot for the purpose of destroying Tarabiscoville's School. The Robot, also known as Le robot démolisseur is Roméo Mécano's utility robot for the purpose of destroying Tarabiscoville's School. Add to wishlist. PJ Masks Nighttime Micros Trap and Escape Catboy and Romeo. His most notable ability is his very long and stretchy arms which are often used to quickly get Romeo from place to place. Find downloads, games, TV guide, video clips, cartoons, birthday messages, competitions and photo galleries. It shows up in " L'école des Pyjamasques " and is the primary invention in " Les Pyjamasques et l'opération zéro." He also planned to rebuild the school as his new laboratory. Allies. Ref:164993. Gekko 4. Meet PJ robot, the adorable robot friend that helps the PJ Masks on nighttime adventures! See all Item description. See all - Best-selling in Non-Fiction. £13.99 Ref:185280. Add to trolley. More Buying Choices $14.04 (17 used & new offers) Ages: 3 - 7 years. Catboy Does It Again; Meet PJ Robot! 06 $17.99 $17.99. He cannot speak, so he changes his expressions to convey different emotions. £9.99 Ref:185281. There are episodes where PJ Robot has helped PJ Masks fighting against Night Ninja. He is an armadillo-like boy who wanted to be a superhero like the PJ Masks by joining their team, but before he could join them, he must learn how to use his powers right. He joined and became the newest PJ Mask member instead of being the villain's sidekick. Billy 13. Robot is an antagonist in the Disney Junior show PJ Masks. It is one of the few inventions made by Romeo that has the ability to speak. The Robot is an antagonist in theDisney Junior show PJ Masks. 4.2 out of 5 stars 42. Im selling lots of PJ Mask toys, please see my other ads, Im happy to combine postage on multiple purchases and negotiate prices if making a large bundle. PJ Masks Join Catboy, Owlette and Gekko as they venture into the night to save the day as the incredible PJ Masks! Previous Post Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Season 3 – Hatch Friends Forever. His most notable ability is his very long and stretchy arms and legs which are often used to quickly get them from place to place. PJ Masks Kickback Motorcycles Assortment - Variety of Styles – picked at random (1) PJ Masks Vehicle & Figure - Catboy Cat Car (1) PJ Masks Vehicle & Figure - Gekko Mobile (1) Type. Owlette 3. Read more > To read more about them, click here. Get it as soon as Tue, Mar 2. PJ Robot (voiced by Juan Luis Bonilla) – A robot who is in charge of the PJ Masks' HQ. FREE Delivery. About this item. Cameron 10. The animations are based on the animated superhero adventure series PJ Masks. It has the ability to launch its fists and lethal missiles. An alternate version of Robot named Robette was introduced in "Catboy and Gekko's Robot Rampage.". You must be logged in order to edit or comment on the PJ Masks Fanon Wiki. PJ Masks Super Fan Newsletter. 1 Summary 2 Characters 3 Synopsis 4 Moral/Lesson 5 Trivia 6 References Romeo takes over PJ Robot so he can use him against the PJs.2 The following characters appeared in the … His most notable ability is his very long and stretchy arms which are often used to quickly get Romeo from place to place. Connor, Amaya and Greg might be ordinary six-year olds, like you, during the day, but when night falls they activate their superpowers to … £5.00 £9.99. Robot is very respectful and performs tasks for Romeo such as bringing him from place-to-place. He is considered to be the cartoon counterpart of Robot from an alternate universe. Next Post Cry Babies Magic Tears. Showing 1 - 30 of 36 products. PJ Masks Save The Sky Gekko and Gekko-Mobile Set. PJ Robot has a friendly digital face that is most of the time smiling. Sort by. Fly Bots 8. Best-selling in Non-Fiction. Roméo Mécano used the Robot Demolisher in an attempt to destroy school. It has the ability to launch its fists and lethal missiles. FREE Delivery on your first order shipped by Amazon. PJ Masks Deluxe Owlette Vehicle with 7.5cm Figure. PJ Masks Turbo Movers, Catboy, … He has shown very long arms from his inside that have powerful scissors, hammers, claws and other weapons. Add to wishlist. Tags: Children's Toys, Great Gifts For Boys, Great PJ Masks Gifts, PJ Masks, PJ Masks Lights and Sound Robot, PJ Masks Robot, PJ Masks Toy, PJ Masks Toy Robot, Robot, Toy Robot. March 15, 20211 Written by TBA Directed by TBA Episode Guide Previous"Pharaoh's Chariot" Next"The Mysterious Masks" "PJ Robot Malfunction" is the upcoming second segment of the 21st Season 4 episode of PJ Masks. Users. PJ Masks Romeo's Lab Playset. Luna Board | Luna Magnet | Lunar Dome | Moon-Ball | Moonfizzle Balls | Luna Wand | Moonflowers | Moon Crystals | Clouds | Luna Crystals |. playsets (4) accessories (3) Face mask sets (1) Kids headphones (1) Rug (1) pj mask. by Various | Oct 6, 2020. Only 4 left in stock. ; Meet the Wolfy Kids! His backstory was revealed in the episode "PJ Robot". The stars and the Moons 06/06/2015 The … The story sees Romeo, the bad guy, invent a cute robot that he wants the PJ Masks to adopt so that he can use the robot to cause problems for them. However, Les Pyjamasques managed to win against Roméo Mécano by mocking him in order to use his growing anger to have him destroy his own machine entirely. Showing 1 - 30 of 36 products. Each expression activates a new sound mode! PJ Robot is a toy created by Just Play. Meet the PJ Masks Characters: the heroes Catboy, Owlette and Gekko, and also the night-time baddies Romeo, Night Ninja and Luna Girl. Meet the PJ Masks PJ Robot, the adorable robot friend that helps the PJ Masks on nighttime adventures. He first appeared in the episode of " Wacky Floats " in the second season. ; PJ Masks Save the Sky. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Robot is Romeo 's self-created personal servant and the main villain sidekick of the PJ Masks series. You must be 13 years of age (16 in California or the European Economic Area (EEA), not including the UK) or older in order to create an account. £3.99 £ 3. He is Romeo 's self-created personal servant. https://pj-masks.fandom.com/wiki/Robot_(Cartoon_Continuity)?oldid=145989. PJ Masks Glow Wheelers - Catboy. The following characters appeared in the episode "PJ Robot Vs Romeo": 1. £19.99 Ref:157113. "PJ Masks all shout hooray, 'cause in the night, we saved the day!" Dispatched with Royal Mail 2nd Class or collect from Bristol BS15.

RomeoRobettePJ Robot (formerly)Spy-BotFly BotsArmadylan (formerly) Night Ninja (sometimes)Ninjalinos (sometimes)Luna Girl (sometimes)Catboy (sometimes)Owlette (sometimes)Gekko (sometimes)Octobella (possibly), CatboyOwletteGekkoPJ RobotArmadylanLuna Girl and her mothsNight Ninja and his NinjalinosWolfy KidsAn YuNewton Star, RomeoFollowing his boss' ordersCatsStinkAll-In-One Power BeltThe PJ Masks (sometimes), The PJ MasksDisappointing his bossWater (formerly)Being mistreated by his bossNewton Star, The Robot is Romeo's self-created personal servant and the main villain sidekick of the PJ Masks series. He first appeared in the episode "Meet Armadylan". Unlike the television counterpart's inventions, this invention seems to have attacks that are related to cartoon violence such as missiles. Download the official PJ Masks apps now: Moonlight Heroes, Racing Heroes, Hero Academy, Super City Run and Time to be Hero. Romeo 6. Wolfy Kids (except Kevin; brief appearance) 9. Choose from character inspired clothes, bedding and toys, perfect for your little superhero. Games for preschoolers! PJ Masks … The Robot Demolisher also cameoed during the TV adaptation's theme song with the television counterpart of Roméo Mécano riding it. Catboy 2. PJ Robot is a supporting character from the Disney Junior show, PJ Masks. Rating 4.800016 out of 5 (16) £10.00 **Original Price £50.00. After finding out that the remote works on Robot and he resets after a brief fight, Howler and Rip use it … PJ Robot is the tetartagonist in the second seasonfrom the Disney Junior show PJ Masks. Meg 11. Filter. Birdie(brief appearance) He is a small robot who aids the PJ Masks (whom he is one fourth of) from Headquarters or in the field. Add to wishlist. Add to trolley. He doesn’t walk either because he is a small flying robot. Please see photos for further details of condition. It is one of the few inventions made by Romeo that has the ability to speak. PJ Robot 5. Meet PJ Robot, the small robot who aids the PJ Masks from Headquarters! However things backfire at the end as the robot becomes a member of the PJ team. The Robot Demolisher was then repaired and rebuilt by Roméo Mécano in another attempt to sabotage school. It is around three-to-four times larger than Romeo. Glowing Party Robot Mask - Sound Activated, Light Up Mask. Rating 4.600184 out of 5 (184) £25.00. His backstory was revealed in the episode " PJ Robot ". His most notable ability is his very long and stretchy arms and legs which are often used to quickly get them from place to place. However, the machine was once again stopped by Les Pyjamasques with the help from Lilifée, Tatouro, Energuman and Les Mascrapules. Get it Tomorrow, Feb 22. Read more articles. Postage, Returns & Payments. Kevin steals it, believing it can power up the robot he created, but Romeo accuses the PJ Masks of the theft and uses his Truth Ray on them to confess with no success. This fun toy rolls and beeps along just like the one on the show. https://pj-masks.fandom.com/wiki/Robot_Demolisher?oldid=145977. Similar to how Luna Girl is with her moths, Romeo tends to mistreat him and acts stubborn towards his warnings about the PJ Masks although he does sometimes treat Robot with kindness. Luna Board | Luna Magnet | Lunar Dome | Moon-Ball | Moonfizzle Balls | Luna Wand | Moonflowers | Moon Crystals | Clouds | Luna Crystals |. Shop our PJ Masks character range. It is around 3-4 times larger than Romeo. Add to wishlist. Originally created by Romeo to spy on the heroes, but defected and switched sides. It is around 3-4 times larger than Romeo. Add to wishlist. Read … For his mainstream counterpart, see Robot. Teeny Weeny Ninjalino (actor unknown) – A tiny and cute ninja from "Catboy and the Teeny Weeny Ninjalino", who was supposed to spy on the PJ Masks but won Owlette and Gekko's affection. Add to trolley. 6 x Kids Foam Space Robot Masks - Party bag fillers or Fancy Dress. He joined and became the newest PJ Mask member instead of being the villain's sidekick. PJ Robot (also known as Mini-Bot by Romeo) is the tetartagonist of the PJ Masks series. Rare PJ Masks Robot Collectable Figure. So this book would suit fans of the TV show that have preferably seen this episode. Jenny 12. Join the Tiny Pop cheeky monkeys for fun games. PJ Masks Romeo's Lab Playset. The PJ Masks Super Fan Newsletter is the destination for you and your little hero to stay up to date with the latest news, fun activities, and fantastic prizes. It has a egg-shaped appearance and with Interactive lights, movements and sounds, it will entertain your kids ! Dylan, also known as Armadylan, is the supporting character in the second season of the Disney Junior show PJ Masks. PJ Masks Costume Set - Owlette NR. You Might Also Like . It shows up in "L'école des Pyjamasques" and is the primary invention in "Les Pyjamasques et l'opération zéro." PJ Masks Glow Wheelers - Owlette. 99. Press the PJ robot's head to switch his expression and activate lights and sounds. £9.99 Ref:155809. He is Romeo's self-created personal servant. The PJ Masks Lights & Sounds Robot is pretty much exactly what it’s name would suggest – a talking, moving robot just like the one Romeo creates in the TV Series – it lights up, spins, and moves across the floor when his head is compressed. Add to wishlist. 00. It is possible that he is Romeo's only friend. Paperback $17.06 $ 17. It is one of the few inventions made by Romeo that has the ability to speak. Although his design is really cute, when Romeo created PJ Robot, he installed some gadgets for attacking. Press the battery-operated robot's head to switch his expression and activate lights and sounds to fit the scenario for playtime. ; Mystery Mountain Adventure! Rating 4.500008 out of 5 (8) £30.00. He first appeared in the episode of "Wacky Floats" in the second season. PJ Masks Mystery Mountain Playset. This time, the machine was built as a new model to have a glass dome at its head and to have its characteristics copied from Robot. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. £15.00 £ 15. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 1 Background 1.1 Personality 1.2 Appearance 2 Trivia The PJ Robot was originally … When on, this little … ; PJ Masks Save the School! The PJ robot really rolls and beeps along just like the show. £39.99 Ref:192466. In played with condition. PJ Masks: PJ Robot Format: Hardback. "
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