Note that the sensor size of the Sony A57 is 23.5mm x 15.6mm, but the Phase One IQ180 has a sensor size of 53.7mm x 40.4mm. Illustration depicts viewable area relative to a traditional 35 mm stills photography sensor by default, but other reference sensors are selectable within the drop-down menu. They all play a part. SENSOR SIZE & DEPTH OF FIELD Sensor size has no effect on the depth of field. This online calculator allows you to calculate the 35mm equivalent Focal Length for a specific sensor size. The following table can be used as an indication for the opening angle at specific focal lengths and sensor size. For example: A 1″ format sensor with 4:3 aspect ratio is 12.8mm Horizonal * 9.6mm Vertical * 16mm Diagonal Note: Even when using the drop-down lists own values can be entered. Calculate focal length, field of view or working distance. The relative size difference between two sensors is typically expressed as a "crop factor." 35mm equivalent Focal Length Multiplier Calculator. 220 mm², is approximately 30% less than the APS-C sensors used in other manufacturers' DSLRs; it is around 9 times larger than the 1/2.3" sensors typically used in compact digital cameras. The image sensor of Four Thirds and MFT measures 18 mm × 13.5 mm (22.5 mm diagonal), with an imaging area of 17.3 mm × 13.0 mm (21.6 mm diagonal), comparable to the frame size of 110 film. Calculate here. Please don’t base your purchase decision on … Its area, ca. Just enter the focal length and maximum aperture of your lens and then choose a sensor size. Lens Multiplication Factor Calculator. Find the right lens quickly & easily with the Kowa lens calculator. The crop factor is the sensor's diagonal size compared to a full-frame 35 mm sensor. Pixel-scale (the subject of this calculator) is arguably the most important factor to consider when choosing a camera for your telescope, but there are others: sensor size, sensitivity, dark current, read noise, anti blooming, etc. Even product marketing staff at major sensor manufacturers calculate, and list, the sensor size incorrectly. The format size of a digital camera sensor can be confusing. Select the sensor either by size or by manufacturer and model by using one of the two drop down menus below Sensor Size Calculating the object size using the reproduction scale (macro & telecentric lenses) Also for macro lenses and telecentric lenses it is possible to calculate the field of view using the imaging scale and sensor size. Object size y = sensor size y´ / imaging scale ß . Crop Factor Calculator Get the full-frame (35mm) equivalent focal length and aperture for different sensor sizes. So, it's likely that the much larger sensor size and number of megapixels of the IQ180, both have a significant part to play in the big improvement in image quality of the IQ180 when compared with that of the A57. It is important to know that format sizes in inches might have different diagonal lengths depending on the sensor manufacturer. Calculate focal length, field of view or working distance. The sensor format size is shown in inches such as 1/3″, 1/2″, 1″, etc. The values for the horizontal and vertical openings angle are provided. However a 27 mm on a Red Dragon will give you the same Field of View as a 21 mm on Super 35, and using a longer lens gives you less depth of field. Camera manufacturers will sometimes also list the diagonal length of the format size in millimeters. Please note that these are just an indication and not exact values. A 21mm at T2.8 will always be a 21mm at T2.8, whether it’s on a 70mm camera, a Red Dragon, or a Super 35 cam - era. It is called this because when using a 35 mm lens, such a sensor effectively crops out this much of the image at its exterior (due to its limited size).
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