One of them, Tiana Ewane (BBA EDHEC 2010) has been a real source of inspiration for students and graduates pondering their career choices. Moët Hennesy is regularly looking for young graduates who are ready to go abroad and work hard. EDHEC International BBA 1997, Capucine Pierard ESSEC Business School educates business leaders on all levels - undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral, as well as providing executive education programs. Chaque année, l'EDHEC offre la possibilité aux étudiants de 4ème année de l'international BBA de réaliser leur stage de 6 mois sur leur projet de création d'entreprise. Our academic objective is to reveal our students’ innovative and ambitious talents to lead projects and people in today’s global economy. BBA EDHEC 4 2016/2017 COURSE OBJECTIVES This course has been created for international students studying in France for one year or one semester. Numerous companies recruit EDHEC International BBA students for internships in France and abroad each year. [Webinaire] Parcoursup : je fais le voeu de l'EDHEC, Journée Portes Ouvertes en ligne - Université Catholique de Lille, MSc in Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence, MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance, MSc in Creative Business & Social Innovation, MSc in Finance • MSc in Financial Markets*, MSc in International Accounting & Finance, MSc in Strategy, Consulting & Digital Transformation, Professional training sessions and workshops, "Get Ready for you career" seminars (France, abroad) including Assessment Center simulation, 10 000 EDHEC international BBA alumni in 73 countries, +500 events organised around the world in 2018. Félicitations aux diplômés EDHEC INTERNATIONAL BBA Promotion 2018 ! This track welcomes applicants proficient in French. Discover EDHEC Business School's bachelor's degree. EDHEC Business School helped me to have a global mindset and vision. EDHEC International BBA 2015, Ilan Cohen I still use today what I have learned 27 years ago in Finance and Marketing. programmes, gives you the necessary tools to build an outstanding resume », EDHEC MSc. Découvrez le programme Grande Ecole de l'EDHEC. EDHEC INTERNATIONAL BBA is EDHEC Business School's undergraduate programme. EDHEC also helped to complete my international profile and specialise in luxury marketing and strategy consulting. Social Media & Digital Marketing Manager, Microsoft (XBOX), Choisissez l'EDHEC pour construire votre carrière EDHEC International BBA After the interview stage, ... EDHEC also offers a Prompt Payment Reduction of 5% if you pay your first instalment of tuition within two weeks of acceptance, as an added way to help lower costs. Mostly, I worked in the APAC region: Shanghai, Tokyo, and now Singapore. A partir du 1er juillet 2020 : réouverture progressive des frontières extérieures Schengen. Each year the Career Centre publishes job and internship offers and helps you prepare for interviews. The EDHEC Consulting Club is the only association at EDHEC Business School that is linked to the world of strategy consulting. VOTRE AVIS - Admis sur dossier, Sébastien a intégré le BBA, bachelor en quatre ans de l’Edhec à Nice. Join EDHEC Business School's excellence. It has the main vocation to raise awareness among the EDHEC students – including pré-master, Master 1, Master 2 and international students – about strategy consulting. COWORKIES started in 2015. Thanks to my academic record, I had the opportunity to continue my studies at EDHEC in the MSc. ", “I spent all my career in the tech/digital industry, working for both big tech names (Google, LinkedIn, Rakuten) but also smaller start-ups (Deliveroo, Rocket Internet). Want to know more about our scholarships. EDHEC Business School, grande école au programme d'excellence à travers le monde entier. Over a third of the programme is customised to suit your own career path, and the international business education and hands-on experience you’ll get is combined with personalised career coaching and a global network to help you on your way. pursue their studies or start their professional career, [Webinaire] Parcoursup : je fais le voeu de l'EDHEC, Journée Portes Ouvertes en ligne - Université Catholique de Lille, More than 140 academic partners in the world, A triple-accredited school: EQUIS, AACSB, AMBA, 86% of the teaching faculty has an international career. The campus welcomes 4,000 students (one third of whom come from abroad) every year, and provides cutting-edge equipment such as its digital networked library and its AUCHAN / BNP PARIBAS / BPCE / CARTIER / CHANEL / CREDIT AGRICOLE / CYRILLUS VERTBAUDET GROUP / DECATHLON / DELOITTE / EY / HILTI / HSBC / JP MORGAN / KPMG / LEROY MERLIN / L’OREAL / LVMH / MAZARS / NESTLE / PUBLICIS / PWC / SANOFI PASTEUR / SOCIETE GENERALE / TF1 / TIKEHAU INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT. Your Career Development Officers will cover all your internship, graduation requirements, etc. My top 1 advice to the next generation of international marketers would be: don’t aim for big companies during the first 5 years of your work life. For more information on EDHEC's international accreditations, please visit the "Rankings and Accreditations" page. The School’s teaching philosophy, inspired by its award-winning research activities, focuses on “learning by doing”. EDHEC is a centre of excellence, innovation, experience and diversity, focused on moulding future generations in a rapidly EDHEC / EDHEC international bba changing world. Edhec International BBA Le bachelor de l’Edhec , diplôme bac+4 visé par l’Etat, est décliné en 3 parcours : un parcours Business Management enseigné en français et en anglais sur les campus de Lille et de Nice qui propose un apprentissage équilibré entre la spécialisation … In Corporate Finance and Banking, from which I graduated in the top 5%. The EDHEC Global MBA can help career progression, but it can also be the launchpad to changing profession, sector, country — or sometimes all three. The Career Centre is dedicated to the BBA to support and guide you in your choices every step of the way. This innovative and highly international programme combines academic excellence, professional experience and international exposure. Revivez le forum BBA … EDHEC International BBA is EDHEC Business School's undergraduate programme. You can meet with Career Centre advisors on a one-to-one basis to get help with fine-tuning your CV, drafting application letters or honing your social network profiles. Senior Financial Auditor, PwC, Operating from campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, EDHEC is one of the world’s top 20 business schools. Bienvenue sur notre chaîne YouTube ! Accessible après une classe préparatoire ou une licence universitaire, il offre une multitude de parcours académiques personnalisables en France et … essais gratuits, aide aux devoirs, cartes mémoire, articles de recherche, rapports de livres, articles à terme, histoire, science, politique This program helped me a lot to build my career. ESSEC, EDHEC… Deux grandes écoles du top 5 des écoles de commerce.Deux grandes écoles ayant décidé de miser sur les programmes post-bac depuis plusieurs décennies maintenant.. Initialement connu sous le nom de l’EPSCI, le BBA ESSEC fut créé en 1975. Career Centre BBA Lille Career Centre BBA Nice 1ère & 4ème années : Charlotte DECRUYENAERE 1ère & 4ème années : Manon MOLINA 04 93 18 32 72 This … The EDHEC Virtual Open Day is created to connect you with our degree programmes of various levels (BBA, Master and MBA) as well as key services for a quality student experience. About EDHEC Operating from campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, EDHEC is one of the top 15 European business schools. 93%. The EDHEC INTERNATIONAL BBA class of 2018 successfully embraced the global job market trends by securing their first jobs in a wide spectrum of sectors and functions all over the world. Je découvre actuellement le monde de l'entreprise. It welcomes applicants from top high-schools in France as well as talented international applicants. Arthur HENISSART Étudiant en 2e année INTERNATIONAL BBA EDHEC / Secrétaire chez XTREM BBA EDHEC EDHEC International BBA is EDHEC Business School's undergraduate programme. EDHEC 1980, Christophe Bonduelle EDHEC 1985, Hélène Demolière DESCRIPTIF ET CALENDRIER DES STAGES Chaque stage fait l’objet d’une validation préalable par le Career Centre. EDHEC has developed a unique model, founded on research that is relevant to our students, to companies and to society. The BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) EDHEC is the post-baccalaureate programme of EDHEC. Vice Président Global Brand, Sanofi, Il se fait désormais appeler ESSEC Global BBA depuis 2015. Arthur HENISSART Étudiant en 2e année INTERNATIONAL BBA EDHEC / Secrétaire chez XTREM BBA EDHEC Venez découvrir l’EDHEC Business School sur YouTube. Operating from campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, EDHEC is one of the world’s top 20 business schools. The School’s teaching philosophy, inspired by its award-winning research activities, focuses on “learning by doing”. One thing has become clear: the EDHEC network is made up of a vast diversity of talented individuals. The School’s teaching philosophy, inspired by its award-winning research activities, focuses on “learning by doing”. While exploring humanities, they practice how to … Une formation internationale, calquée sur le modèle anglo-saxon. The alumni directory is protected by law n°98-536 of July 1, 1998 and by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of April 14, 2016. EDHEC International BBA 2017. The School’s teaching philosophy, inspired by its award-winning research activities, focuses on “learning by doing”. Fully international and directly connected to the business world, EDHEC is a school for business, rather than a business school, where excellence in teaching and research focuses on innovation to stimulate entrepreneurship and creativity. Global Consumer and Market Insights Director, Ubisoft, From entrepreneurs to athletes and artists, they send out a positive image of our School and community by crossing between borders and generations. Starting in March 2020, WinFin will be rolling out its mentorship programme, identifying high caliber cohorts of EDHEC at M1, BBA and matching them with M2 Students/recent Alumni/ ESFC Partners, to assist them in developing relevant skillset from an early stage. EDHEC / DISCOvER ED H E C BBA 4 Mkea a diFFereNce WiTh aN edhec bba exPerieNce Since its creation in 1988, the EDHEC BBA has focused on training aspiring managers. EDHEC Alumni The impact of #COVID-19 has been felt by the #EDHEC community across the globe this year. Coaching meetings are offered on the Lille, Paris and Nice campuses. 66% of EDHEC International BBA graduates continue their studies in the top institutions in France and abroad, including EDHEC Business School, which offers two avenues: Specialised one-year programmes in English to acquire new skills or increase your knowledge in a specific domain. 433 talking about this. This track welcomes applicants proficient in French and English. Fully international and directly connected to the business world, EDHEC is a school for business, rather than a business school, where excellence in teaching and research focuses on innovation to stimulate entrepreneurship and creativity. EDHEC Entrepreneurs incubator and accelerator offers bespoke support to EDHEC students or graduates with business creation projects, from the idea stage to the development and business acceleration. For business from birth and dedicated to business, EDHEC makes entrepreneurs for life, able to remodel or create successful businesses wherever they work. Operating from campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, The overall package that EDHEC offers both from business fundamentals and majors, as well as its MSc. EDHEC INTERNATIONAL BBA places students at the heart of a learning process based on performance, innovation, diversity and leadership. En janvier 2021, ce sont 11 équipes (12 étudiants International BBA) qui ont été sélectionnées ! Pauline ROUSSEL (EDHEC International BBA 2010) co-founded COWORKIES, the first recruitment website dedicated to coworking spaces and their communities. You may leave having launched your own business, having taken a significant step up in your career, or simply with a clear and concrete vision of where you’re heading to next. Go for startups, the earlier stage the better, so you’ll get to have a strategic and holistic role. EDHEC functions as a genuine laboratory of ideas and produces innovative solutions valued by businesses. Then, you can select the answers you would like to share with EDHEC. EDHEC functions as a genuine laboratory of ideas and produces innovative solutions valued by businesses. Outre l'organisation du weekend d'intégration et du Gala EDHEC, le BDE veille au quotidien à rendre service aux étudiants de l'EDHEC. Fully international and directly connected to the business world, EDHEC is a school for business, rather than a business school, where excellence in teaching and research focuses on innovation to stimulate entrepreneurship and creativity. EDHEC Business School offers undergraduate (International BBA), graduate (MiM and MSc) programmes and has an extensive portfolio of executive education (Global MBA, Executive MBA, PhD in Finance as well as a variety of open and custom and open programmes). The EDHEC Global MBA packs a wealth of knowledge and practical experience into an intense 10-month programme. Je suis à la recherche de mon stage de première année entre juin et août. Recherche stage Finance Juin 2020 - EDHEC BBA - 2ème année - Trésorier chez X-TREM BBA EDHEC. Operating from campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, EDHEC is one of the world’s top 20 business schools. EDHEC INTERNATIONAL BBA is EDHEC Business School's undergraduate programme. This bachelor's degree in Business Administration is triple-accredited by the French National Education Ministry, EQUIS and AACSB. Rejoignez nous sur notre page Facebook : Search job openings at EDHEC. *accessible to BBA graduates only after one year of Master in Management and with a minimum GMAT score required by the relevant programme, « After four years, I had the honor to receive the title of ‘Head the Class 2018’. Je suis étudiante en première d'International BBA à EDHEC de Lille . Recherche stage Finance Juin 2020 - EDHEC BBA - 2ème année - Trésorier chez X-TREM BBA EDHEC. Professional commitment is one of the cornerstones of the EDHEC International BBA, which offers attractive career opportunities in France and abroad. It introduces them to key social, cultural and economic indicators of French society including a glimpse at corporate best practices, areas of excellence and a critical view of performance. Throughout your four-year degree, the Career Centre helps you define your professional goals and prepare your entry to the job market. It also supports startups around the world. EDHEC 1977, Michael Burke It offers unique learning options combining international exposure, specialisations, and work experience. This Master’s degree was coherent with my professional ambition to work in an investment fund, helping companies with a high social and environ-mental impact », EDHEC MSc. Directrice Générale Adjointe, Louis Vuitton, Fully international and directly connected to the business world, EDHEC is a school for business, rather than a business school, where excellence in teaching and research focuses on innovation to stimulate entrepreneurship and creativity. This bachelor's degree in Business Administration is triple-accredited by the French National Education Ministry, EQUIS and AACSB. Operating from campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, EDHEC is one of the top 15 European business schools. EDHEC international BBA UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME Nanthida KAEWRADEE, EDHEC International BBA 2020 EDHEC MSc in Marketing Management 2021 2021 Chargée marketing EJC/ membre du pole événementiel BDE BBA EDHEC En recherche d’un stage en RH ou marketing à partir de Juin 2021 jusqu'a Aout 2021 Greater Lille Metropolitan Area. BBA EDHEC - Stage à l'étranger 1A (EDHEC Lille) 3 mois . EDHEC 1998, Flavien Da Silva Adopt the right managerial behaviours and generate financial performance with your team behind you, and develop the human capital you have been given. *Includes 5% Prompt Payment Reduction. Vice-Chairman Colgate-Palmolive, The Career Centre provides four key services to guide you through the recruitment process and help you develop your network of potential employers: As part of the EDHEC International BBA you will carry out several internships in France or abroad with a view to exploring the various business sectors and their rules and codes of conduct before going on to define your own career plan. EDHEC Business School offers great career opportunities for academics. A two-year, English-taught programme leading to a double EDHEC Master in Management and Master of Science degree. Chairman, Bonduelle, Ces jeunes entrepreneurs développent leurs start-ups prometteuses dans plusieurs secteurs passionnants : le La guerre des bachelors… avis BBA EDHEC vs BBA ESSEC Quel bachelor choisir ? Its data can only be used for the purposes pursued by the EDHEC alumni network and written in the network charter: facilitate the integration and mobility of graduates on the job market by putting them in touch with one another. Career Counselling. This will help you a lot to get strong expertise quickly”, Head of Paid Media, LinkedIn Asia-Pacific, Franck Moison EDHEC Business School. ... L3 Programme Grande école Recherche un stage de Mai à Juin 2019 en "business development" EDHEC Business School I BBA I 3rd year | Specialization Marketing Vence, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France 191 relations. I met my co-founder Dimitar in a coworking space I was managing in Berlin that focused mainly on early-stage start-ups. This 100% distance-learning programme is tailored to the particular requirements and constraints of students in special situations, whether athletes, entrepreneurs, artists/entertainers, or persons with reduced mobility. 80% of first-year students (September 2018) graduated with honours, including 64% with the highest honours. Stage Informatique - Développement Stage Commerce / Distribution / Vente Stage Marketing Stage Informatique - Conseil Stage Communication / Evénementiel Stage Agroalimentaire Stage RH / Recrutement. EDHEC International BBA 1995, Thibault Desmarest Via the emage-me app, ask your family, friends, and peers to answer questions about you. Designed for highly-motivated students wishing to broaden their horizons and prepare for international careers, it offers a unique level of diversity and flexibility that makes the difference on the job market. EDHEC Business School’s undergraduate programme taught in Lille and Nice. Fully international and directly connected to the business world, EDHEC is a school for business, rather than a business school, where excellence in teaching and research focuses on innovation to stimulate entrepreneurship and creativity. Candidate/recruiter interaction is facilitated at all key stages of your career by effective support from a community of alumni, professors and internationally-renowned partners. Directrice Générale Adjointe, Havas Media, EDHEC 1982, Pascal Brier En fin de 1re année : un stage opérationnel de 3 mois pour vous donner un avant goût de ce qu'est la vie en entreprise. EDHEC International BBA 1997, Delphine Arnault Gautier Toulemonde. Diploma: Bachelor in Business Administration, Accreditations: triple-accredited by the French National Education Ministry, EQUIS and AACSB, EDHEC INTERNATIONAL BBA programme director, Business Management track director, Lille campus, Online track director and Business Management track director, Nice campus. -EDHEC INTERNATIONAL BBA is EDHEC Business School's undergraduate programme. Plus d'informations : Can you tell us how your business came about? in Corporate Finance & Banking, 2019, Venture analyst, RO CKSTART (Netherlands), « Born bicultural, I lived in China for 9 years where I obtained my high school diploma in Shanghaï. EDHEC International BBA graduates also have lifelong access to an alumni directory and to the Career Centre, which provides services such as job offers, yearly career advisory meetings and online resources. Inscrivez-vous pour entrer en relation BNP Paribas. The EDHEC Online Campus brings together all the tools that our participants need during their online training programme. Having a positive impact on the world is our identity. By connecting to this network of over 40,000 alumni, you can reach out to those who have been on a similar path, and who can share their wisdom with you throughout your career. ESSEC Business School educates business leaders on all levels - undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral, as well as providing executive education programs. The online event features a wide range of interactive and one-on-one sessions including: Your EDHEC Career Centre will remain fully available to provide you with guidance, market insights as well as answer all your potential questions during your EDHEC Forum. This is a result of their business competencies acquired through their studies at EDHEC Business EDHEC Consulting Club | 414 followers on LinkedIn. PDG, Piaget, Your profile is still confidential and it is not shared with EDHEC yet. Operating from campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, EDHEC is one of the world’s top 15 European business schools. Candidate/recruiter interaction is facilitated at all key stages of your career by effective support from a community of alumni, professors and internationally-renowned partners. Executive Vice-President, Altran France, About EDHEC Operating from campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, EDHEC is one of the top 15 European business schools. This … After their degree, students can choose to pursue their studies or start their professional career, in France or internationally. Joining the EDHEC Global MBA also means also joining a diverse and international alumni network. At this stage of the test, your answers will not impact your application. This Top ranked French school of management proposes international programmes, MBA, Masters and executive education. EDHEC signed an agreement with the prestigious London Business School (LBS) for (a limited number of) BBA students who will benefit from a preferential admission system: no application fees, fast admission results, and up to 30% discount on tuition fees. It offers the exciting opportunity of studying at three top institutions around the world and acquire in-depth knowledge of globalisation issues. emlyon business school is a leading international and European business school in France, Europe. You get free lifetime membership to EDHEC Alumni from the day you start the programme. For business from birth and dedicated to business, EDHEC makes entrepreneurs for life, able to remodel or create successful businesses wherever they work. The EDHEC BBA acts as a springboard to employment and a career booster. The EDHEC BBA acts as a springboard to employment and a career booster. 111 talking about this. En fin de 2e année : 4 semaines dans le secteur associatif, social ou humanitaire pour s'ouvrir à une nouvelle façon de penser. EDHEC functions as a genuine laboratory of ideas and produces innovative solutions valued by businesses. This track welcomes applicants proficient in English. 21 EDHEC jobs including salaries, ratings, and reviews, posted by EDHEC employees. 1 degree, 3 possible tracks. This … of graduates find a job within three months. One-on-one career advice, all year round, on- and off-campus (via phone and skype) In-house career counsellors and a pool of +50 external international career experts and coaches. For more information:, "I graduated from the very first EDHEC International BBA class in 1992. Relaterede videoer. have a job with an international dimension. We like people with perseverance, pragmatism and who like to take risks. Association BDE EDHEC | 638 followers on LinkedIn. Présent à Lille, Nice et Paris, le Bureau des Élèves de l'EDHEC Business School est la plus vieille association de l'école. Gautier Toulemonde EDHEC Business School (French: Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales du Nord) is a French business school.As a Grande école in France, it specializes in business and management studies. It responds fully to students’ career and personal development objectives by ensuring students master the issues needed to manage in a globalised world. See below how Your Career Centre supports EDHEC students across the BBA and Masters programmes. in Strategy, Consulting & Digital Transformation, 2020, International Project Manager Assistant, L’ORÉAL (Germany). Regardless of the chosen track, all students will receive the same Bachelor in Business Administration diploma. EDHEC functions as a genuine laboratory of ideas and produces innovative solutions valued by businesses. EDHEC INTERNATIONAL BBA offers three tracks, each one designed to meet students' academic and professional goals. Join one of the leading French and European business schools Within the framework of EDHEC 2020-2025 ambitious Strategic Plan, EDHEC Business School will recruit 50 new professors. questions from 9 to 11am and from 3 to 5pm FR time. Students can choose from one of these programmes: Master in Management or Master in Analytics and Management. Lille, the birthplace of EDHEC The Lille Campus, which is eco-friendly, entrepreneurial and within easy access of the city, embodies both the dynamism of the EDHEC Business School and its innovative strategy. Read our article. Le forum stages et entreprises BBA EDHEC est un évènement de recrutement incontournable pour les entreprises et les étudiants. 350 talking about this. EDHEC International BBA is EDHEC Business School's undergraduate programme. PDG, Louis Vuitton, EDHEC’s Management Development Programme gives you effective tools to build a strategy and action plan, manage a project and create value within the current legal framework. 57% of students find a job before they graduate, 1 Career Centre on each campus dedicated to EDHEC INTERNATIONAL BBA students. Such placements allow you to put your learning into practice and enhance your degree. emlyon business school, a international business school in Europe. Fully international and directly connected to the business world, EDHEC is a school for business, rather than a business school, where excellence in teaching and research focuses on innovation to stimulate entrepreneurship and creativity. EDHEC Career Centre Stand . This bachelor's degree in Business Administration is triple-accredited by the French National Education Ministry, EQUIS and AACSB. It welcomes applicants from top high-schools in … “The Bachelor in Management (BSc) allows students to become experts in management science and learn how to make complex decisions. EDHEC 1975, Philippe Leopold Metzger Fully international and directly connected to the business world, EDHEC is a school for business, rather than a business school, where excellence in teaching and research focuses on innovation to stimulate entrepreneurship and creativity. It welcomes applicants from top high-schools in France as well as talented international applicants.
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