Do not abandon us in this valley of tears, November 05 2014, “You shouldn’t be surprised, My children, of My Calls through My Prophet. NOVEMBER 24, 2013 Rinse the grapes in clean water. that perfection is You THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY MY BELOVED PEOPLE, THE WARNING IS APPROACHING AND THE HEARTS ARE NOT MOVED FOR THE LACK OF DISSEMINATION OF THIS ACT OF MY MERCY FOR MY PEOPLE. Children, I warn you about this.”, Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de María The false prophets will increase and will deny the true instruments; they will bring perdition and bad habits to My people. You are the great experiment of the large food industries. Christ, cleanse my eyes so as not to see what is not so; I AM KING AND RULER OF ALL CREATION. He will make My children suffer with the most terrible persecution. and, recognizing myself as a sinner Modesta is a cook for the rich and influential family Mendoza. Artículos de Fe y Religión – Revelaciones – Apariciones. This is contradictory for you, but not for those living under the orders of the antichrist, whom they constantly serve. Continue to pray for one another. May Our Most Holy Mother be Mother and Teacher for each one of you, so we can be the same as She, faithful disciples of Her Divine Son.  Let’s accept the help of the Holy Angels and let’s be the Divine silence, so we can listen to the SILENT VOICE IN WHICH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST AND OUR MOST HOLY MOTHER TALKS TO US. Humanity finds itself in a complex diversity of ideologies separating it from My Will, under the indifferent gaze of some of My priests. I GAVE YOU THE NECESSARY AND CONVENIENT INGREDIENTS.’ Tell this to My children to be a blessing for them in moments of food shortage.”, Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de María I see them advance and the United States, in pain and suffering, appears immediately. (Gal 6:4). AND AMONG ITS SNARES, ARE THE SECTS, NEW AGE, FREEMASONRY, THE ILLUMINATI, WITCHCRAFT AND EVERYTHING CONTRARY TO THE GOSPEL.”, “The Blessed Mother announced to me a disease that will attack the nervous and immune system causing serious problems on the skin, for which she told me to use the leaf of the NETTLE and GINKGO plants.”, Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de María HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN Do not neglect a single second. You are blessed by Trinitarian Love: you are and will be constantly blessed. From today on I give myself wholly to You.  In a special way, during this time of reflection and the rest of our lives, penetrate into our interior so that each one will reach the rest of humanity, a creature that is born again, cooperating to offer to Christ the Earth that he gave to us.Â, At this moment humanity has hardened as Our Most Holy Mother has said to us on February 24, 2020:  “GOD IS PERFECT, HE MAKES EVERYTHING PERFECT AND YOUR RESPONSE, IS CONTRARY TO THE DIVINE WILL, QUITE CONTRARY.”  That is why with the body’s own eyes, humanity shall see what Heaven has alerted and have spurned.Â, Humanity is on fire, is on fire in the forgetfulness of the Blessed Trinity. This single religion will eliminate the religion that My Son established. At this moment the human organism is saturated by bad foodstuffs, favoring diseases to arrive at him, take the man and cause him great evil.”, Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de María Message to Luz de Maria – 19 April 2019. THIS LENT SHOULD BE DIFFERENT FROM PREVIOUS ONES THAT YOU HAVE KNOWN, with some people being far away or on vacation and others, with no conscience whatsoever, choosing this time to commit great heresies and sacrileges at which My House shudders. They will fight to defeat the forces of the antichrist. Note: A separate post specific on medicinal plants has been published here. Christ, cleanse my ears so I do not hear what offends You; MAY THE NIGHT NOT CATCH YOU BY SURPRISE, WAITING FOR A SIGNAL IN ORDER TO CHANGE - THE SIGNAL IS THIS LENT. We implore Your Maternal intercession at this moment I wish to save my soul by freeing it beloved children of god, our king and lord jesus christ screams in deep pain: “i look how the flame of my love is extinguishing in the human creatures. Keep the holy water, use COMMON HAWTHORN and the ECHINACEA plant, to fight it.”, Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de María Feb. 24, 2020 (Fixed translation ‘walnuts’ instead of ‘nuts’ in Nov. 22, 2012 rev.)   I plead with You to help me in this life, MESSAGE FROM SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL TO LUZ DE MARIA MAY YOU NOT BE FRIGHTENED BY WHAT HEAVEN HAS DECLARED TO YOU SO THAT YOU MAY PREPARE, BUT MAY THAT WHICH YOU KNOW BE WHAT LEADS YOU TO INCREASE YOUR FAITH, THE DESIRE TO SAVE THE SOUL AND THE DESIRE TO COOPERATE IN THE SALVATION OF SOULS. Christ, clean my life story, so as not to judge by my past; 19 September 2019 — 06:42 19 September 2019 — 06:42 From William's Desk, Important Notifications, Luz de Maria Atonement, Chastisement, Great War, Holy Ghost, Martyrdom, New World Order, Prayer, Saint Michael, The Masons, The Warning. Take my mind, my thoughts, my consciousness and unconsciousness, my heart, my desires, my expectations, and unify my being in the Trinitarian Will, as You did, so that Your Son’s Word does not fall on arid land. My beloved, humanity is going where it should not go; it is going there unnecessarily, constraining its path and entering into solitude, its own solitude where the mind will imprison it until it makes it abandon Me. St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria “The sun influences the Earth, it stirs the Earth up without you being aware of it, just as it influences the Earth’s atmosphere. Directed by Pedring Lopez. this evil that befalls those who belong to You. I ask You to come to the aid of my soul, Receive Me in My Body and My Blood, properly prepared, with full awareness of the need for a real amendment. DO NOT LISTEN TO THOSE THAT TELL YOU THAT NOTHING WILL HAPPEN, THIS IS ONLY FOR YOU TO LOSE YOUR SOUL. There will be confusion, people will not know what road to choose; they will think that it is all over and done with; but this sign will be the Great Sign that My Son will allow in view of humankind’s disobedience. Pray children, pray for China, it will hold Humanity in fear. October 08 2015, “Beloved children, Misused science has penetrated the pharmacological industries so these will dare create vaccines contaminated with viruses so human beings will carry death or diseases with them. He has told us that if we bless the foods that are contaminated – maintaining a lot of faith of course – they will not harm us. "La Luz de María "es una iniciativa para mantener el sueño vivo de un Angel,que nos ha dejado, y admiración hacia su persona. Use mullein and rosemary in discreet amounts.”, Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de María This entry was posted in Uncategorized on December 10, 2019 by liveandloveforjesus. October 07 2016, “THIS GENERATION WILL SUFFER TO THE UTMOST AT THE HANDS OF THOSE WHO RISE UP THE ANTICHRIST AGAINST MY SON’S PEOPLE, as a result of the lasting action of freemasonry, the illuminati, communism, rebellion, falsehood, lack of Faith and satanism which has infiltrated in the Church of My Son, provoking the tentacles of evil to be ruthlessly activated against all Humanity. Children, you are deceived, seriously deceived by large global organizations that were created to assist you. NOVEMBER 25, 2016 to luz de maria april 26, 2019. my people, beloved people, i bless you. being so human, because I scorn THE EUCHARIST WILL BE PROHIBITED, DEVOTION TO ME WILL BE PUNISHED BY DEATH, MY SON’S PEOPLE WILL BE PERSECUTED AND MY SON CRUCIFIED ANEW …”, Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de María The control of men is the purpose of the antichrist; this is because an instant becomes a minimum instant, the evil will accelerate its plans to first gain control through the food and health, and subsequently you will be totally controlled, since you will have lost your will. Christ, cleanse my past so that I may be a new creature in You; Luz María (TV Series 1998–1999) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Oct. 05, 2018. Doing evil is easy; doing good implies dying to oneself.  In which the scourge of illness threatens humanity. I invite you to pray, My beloved, for China, it will bear pain and terror. We give you thanks Immaculate Mother for so great a favor; “Men from different cultures and of different races are united, but not in Christ’s Love, but in a large combined army of alliances; they walk towards Italy leaving behind a trail of death as they walk. 121,2). be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. Not only for me, but also for all of humanity, You must be prepared; there is a disease that will advance and affect directly My children’s skin. I COMMAND YOU TO PRAY WITH TEARS BORN FROM THE PAIN OF HAVING OFFENDED ME AND OF CONTINUING TO OFFEND ME. SÚPLICA A LA MADRE SANTÍSIMA ANTE EL FLAGELO DE LA ENFERMEDAD (Inspirada a Luz de María, 05-2009) Madre Inmaculada, Santuario bendito de amor: a Ti venimos a suplicarte que escuches nuestros ruegos, y solicitamos Tu Maternal intercesión en este momento en que el flagelo de la enfermedad amenaza a la humanidad. Sunday, March 10, 2019 Message from St. Michael the Archangel To Luz De Maria. SOLEMNLY I CONSECRATE TO YOU TODAY, BLESSED MOTHER, MY ENTIRE LIFE, FROM MY BIRTH. My Mother has given you and will give you medicines that you can find in Nature and with them mitigate and vanish diseases. I, in exchange, promise to love You, and I resolve to never offend You. May 17 2015, “Remain attentive, My beloved; the schism in My Son’s Church is near. Take one of the already Blessed Grapes and rub a Sign of the Cross on the fresh grape while saying: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.” Each grape must be blessed that way. MESSAGE FROM SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL TO LUZ DE MARIA JULY 3, 2019. Our Most Blessed Mother, dressed in white in a garment that looks like fine lace—I seem to see shapes like roses on Her dress with brushstrokes in light blue pastel the roses I see are more defined. My People have never been abandoned, nor will they be in the future, for this reason I am sending My Angel of Peace so that, with My Word in his mouth, he would quench the hunger and thirst of those who are Mine during bloody times for humanity. Use the sacramentals and do not cease to pray the Holy Rosary through which you receive infinite blessings.”, Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de María He hates those who love Me, are obedient to Me and who fulfill the Divine Will. The enemy of the soul has succeeded to penetrate all areas of humanity; he has infiltrated My Church in order to lead you away from true tradition, away from the infinite Mystery of My Self-Sacrifice for the Redemption of the world. I want you not only to commemorate, but to LIVE OUT LENT AND ESPECIALLY THIS ONE when you are so close to the events leading you to Purification. Come to Me, come to Me! 1,040 likes. PRAYER INSPIRED TO LUZ DE MARIA 05.2009 . Dear readers, we wish to share this profound prayer that the Blessed Virgin dictated to luz de Maria early morning of June 11 of this year, it contains a revelation about the soul and gives us a divine recipe to make us more aware of and consistent with this spiritual reality, from which unfortunately we are constantly diverted and made numb to by the things of the world ... Adored and Beloved Christ, It is a large and powerful army; the rest of the world practically shudders at the decisive advance of this army towards Italy. for the ruin of souls. The pharmaceutical industry in turn, has taken part in this desorder of the human organism; chemistry has not been used correctly. The blessings are transferred from one of the original grapes from San Damiano. My People must be courageous and remain in My Will, feeling offended when everyone else is transgressing My Will. Those who live in God will recognize that it comes from God and those who despise the Divine will blaspheme more. Our Mother told me that true plagues will come and that we should ingest a raw clove of garlic every morning, or oil of oregano; these two are excellent antibiotics. Home Message to Luz de Maria – 19 April 2019. Pray, My children, pray for China. Lift me up, my Christ, and teach me Aug 3 2017. I invite you to pray with true repentance for the wretchedness that you are carrying with you. Christ, by Your cross teach me to be kind; Your free will, will be subjected to the commands of the one who will deceive men”, Private message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de María Oct. 10, 2018. But My People wait and when they wake up it will be doubly difficult for them to come to Me, but My Mother’s Love will not cease, She will continue interceding for each one of you and will draw you to My Way, where you will never find the Door closed. Sacred Heart of my beloved Jesus, 5 September 2019 — 10:39 5 September 2019 — 10:39 From William's Desk, Important Notifications, Luz de Maria Atonement, Chastisement, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Natural Disasters, Prayer, Saint Michael. Christ, cleanse my steps so that they are directed only towards You; IN A SPECIAL WAY DURING THESE FORTY DAYS, MY HOLY SPIRIT WILL SHED HIS LIGHT ON THOSE ASPECTS OF YOUR PERSONAL LIVES THAT YOU NEED TO IMPROVE. We have called you to protect yourselves from the sun’s rays and you do not heed. This must not continue; men’s interaction has been cut, diminishing fraternity and the lack of communication being the cause of fatal and unexpected reactions on man’s part. January 2009, “I call on you to prepare yourselves. You will not manage to advance if you welcome whatever comes to mind. I CALL YOU TO THE PENANCE that tells you to fulfill My Will and not your own. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, October 13 2014, “My beloved: UNKNOWN DISEASES WILL CONTINUE TO ATTACK HUMANITY, ONE AFTER ANOTHER; BUT AS THEY APPEAR, I WILL PROVIDE YOU THE NATURAL RESOURCES TO COMBAT THEM. She looks at me and speaks to me, and extending Her delicate and blessed Hands, She takes me to see the following: October 19, 2011, “Cover yourselves with My Most Precious Blood, bless your bodies constantly, bless your food, do not forget that My Mother’s name drives demons away: Pray for China. Pray for China, death looms. Everything is presented falsely with the excuse of a bigger and better evolution for the human organism. Message to Luz de Maria – 30 April 2019 7 May 2019 — 21:47 7 May 2019 — 21:47 From William's Desk , Important Notifications , Luz de Maria Angels , Chastisement , Prayer , Prophets , Saint Michael , Solar System , The Warning Christ, cleanse my mind and so center me in You; Lembrança Linda -12/02/2019 Um dia, mais que perfeito. (Rom. Christ, by Your cross teach me to be humble; Christ, clean my hands so they do not rise up against my brother or sister; And keep me, as of this moment, as Your own possession. MY MYSTICAL BODY, GAGGED IN IGNORANCE BEFORE THE DESIGNS OF THE HIGH LEADERS OF MY CHURCH, WILL NOT REVERT SO MUCH EVIL IF IT DOES NOT CONVERT COMPLETELY TO MY WILL. TO LUZ DE MARIA 03.17.2019 . Short Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel by Pope Leo XIII. Jan. 22, 2019 (Added Apr. In this instant, man is invaded by technology, leading him to dissociate and to totally separate the relationship with his brothers and sisters. Because of this, we asked you earlier to be cautious before eating, especially because in some foods there is such toxicity that the human body reacts with diseases that cause death. MAY 21, 2018 My children, why do you feed and continue to feed on the garbage with which the great transnationals want to eliminate most of the world population? Post navigation ← Receiving and Activating the Gifts of The Holy Spirit. Uvas Benditas: Guía práctica para prepararlas, Scot’s Pine: New Revelation on Medicinal Plants, Luz de Maria Shared her Vision of a Tsunami, This Thursday begins the Novena to the Queen and Mother of the End Times, This Wednesday (August 5th) We Celebrate the Birthday of Virgin Mary, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Solemnity, Pope Francis honors sacrifice of medical workers who died in coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis: Christian life 'is a battle against the spirit of evil', Pope Francis visits writer and Holocaust survivor in Rome, Pope Francis advances causes of nuns who died in Ebola outbreak, Pope Francis appoints new archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis accepts Cardinal Robert Sarah's resignation from divine worship congregation, Vatican cardinal congratulates new Serbian Orthodox patriarch on election, Pope Francis to soccer players: ‘The most beautiful victories are those you win as a team’, Vatican expects deficit of $60 million in 2021, El Papa sobre el mensaje de la Divina Misericordia: abramos nuestro corazón a Jesús, El Papa en el Ángelus: "Meteos esto en la cabeza: con el diablo jamás se dialoga", España. Food is ruled by large industries and these do not respect the human body, they invade it with toxins so that you fall sick.”, Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de María Beloved children, pray for China, an unfortunate event will occur in this Nation. Pray, beloved children, pray for China. May 2009, “I invite you not to forget the use of sacramentals. 16:17). This post has been updated to reflect the change. Christ, cleanse my heart of lack of love; Thus, the mind of man, limited deliberately by the earthly power. Do not deceive yourselves, do not dig your own condemnation. Close to a new anniversary of Our Blessed Mother´s apparition in Fatima, Portugal (May 13th), and before the crisis of various kinds that scourge all humanity, we consider, more than ever before, the importance of understanding the warnings and requests that Heaven enacted in 1917, to comprehend the present and future reality of humankind. FASTING IS AN IMPEDIMENT FOR THE DEVIL. DO NOT ALLOW IT. Cover the newly blessed grapes with a wine brandy. JUNE 14, 2010 With scissors, cut grapes from cluster. WITH FULL USE OF MY FREEDOM, I REJECT THE DEVIL AND ALL HIS MACHINATIONS AND I GIVE MYSELF TO YOUR IMMACULATE HEART. From these grapes already blessed, can be shared with your brothers, since they are blessed, in this way others can prepare their own blessed grapes. The Most Blessed Mother responds: October 02 2016, “My Beloved People: I BLESS YOU, I CALL YOU TO PRAYER, TO REMAIN UNITED TO ME. My interests should be yours. Be fraternal. Do not believe everything the large industries present to you: Delve deeper, learn about the production and the elements that comprise it, because those who think they own humanity on Earth have prepared their god money to contaminate My Son’s People, not only through the food, but also through other means which are presented to improve your health but in reality they are meant to cause your health to decline. Above all, in moments of temptation. My Church must remain attentive and maintain Faith, being firm, faithful and fulfilling the Commandments. I place my soul before You, my Lord. Allow Mother of Goodness, that this: my consecration be taken in the hands of the Angels to every heart so that it might be is infinitely repeated in each human being. which I desire to free from of the moments “My beloved, utilize water that has been previously boiled and start NOW the detox of the organism drinking as much water as possible, so the organism will start to purify. HUMANITY HAS COMFORTABLE FEEDING HABITS BUT WHICH ARE TOTALLY HARMFUL FOR THE BODY SYSTEM, WHICH CONTINUALLY DESTROYS AND GETS SICK. This way it is easier to conduct a solitary soul towards the wrong paths. Christ, cleanse my thoughts of what is improper; Dust is the material realm: human misery, selfishness, pride, indifference to My commands, pettiness, lack of love: all these make My children fade in the spirit, while evil does not fade but grows. October 27 2014, “I do not abandon you. Christ, by Your cross teach me not to gossip; Come, do not go through this Lent without repentance: come, I will heal you! It has come to light certain prophecies in which they say that soldiers that will fight under the banner of Jesus and Mary against the forces of the antichrist will be guided by St. Michael the Archangel. Beloved people, My People, each person is special before Me, therefore everyone is a precious pearl of infinite value, which is why you should love one another as brothers and sisters, reproducing My Love out of which I gave Myself on the Cross. My children, HOW HAVE YOU ALLOWED THE FILM INDUSTRY, WITH ITS MEAN TRICKS, WITH ITS POISONED DARTS, TO DESTROY WHAT THE HEAVENLY FATHER CREATED TO LIVE WORTHILY ON THIS EARTH?”, Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de María TIME IS PASSING, AND WITH IT PURIFICATION IS GROWING FIERCER, MORE PAINFUL, MORE CONSTANT, SO THAT YOU WOULD STRENGTHEN YOUR FAITH AND SO THAT MY PEOPLE, MY LITTLE REMNANT, WOULD BE STEADFAST. and I must tend to perfection, Freemasonry is readying itself to present the great impostor to Humanity, the antichrist, and you, being ignorant about the antichrist, will rise up towards him as if he were Me. MY BLESSING HELPS THOSE WHO ACCEPT IT: you are not true disciples of My Mother... You have learned to crawl away and hide in order not to be seen. The enemy of humanity moves rapidly, he is not far. Luz de Maria - Etkinliklere Çok Yakınız. I give You my hands and my feet so in your likeness they may be OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST In Global Organizations the instruction exists to exterminate much of the world’s population. You, My beloved, are poisoned with contaminated seafood and it alters human genetics, being the cause of degenerative diseases. Luz María (Lucecita) is a simple and naive country girl, whose mother Rosa is very sick. Her light brown hair was down with waves that seemed to play with a slight breeze that always precedes Her arrival. This will have astonished other people who will join these soldiers, increasing the small Marians forces until they become a gigantic army. KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS TIME HAS BEEN BROUGHT FORWARD... In this instant man’s organism is saturated by bad eating habits, making it a weakening organism and the new diseases causes man a lot of harm.” MY LOVING INSTRUMENT, LUZ DE MARÍA, IS A PROPHET OF THESE LAST INSTANTS. Message to Luz de Maria – 4 May 2019. Is this not An arm of the antichrist, who desires to eliminate millions of My children through sickness? I give You my thinking so that, protected by You, it be a constant hymn of Invoke Saint Michael the Archangel, the Celestial Legions, being witnesses to My Love and true children of My Mother. “I call you to unite, to unify and intensify the fraternity, I call you to collect the Messages in which My Mother or I have given you the natural medicines necessary to face the great pests, plagues, diseases and chemical contaminations to which you, as Humanity, will be exposed, for it is not only Nature that rebels against man, but also those who, with petty and selfish interests, have conspired to exterminate a large part of humanity. Pedro Regis and the Anguera Prophecies, Prophet John Leary, and Luz de Maria Prophecies on Plagues and Diseases and in Scripture. and cleanse my will. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Pray for China, it will suffer greatly. FEBRUARY 24, 2013 When Christ mentioned to me again this request of the blessed grapes, I remember also the Grapes of Saint Damian, which I share as follows: to send Its angelic protectors to combat The brandy is used as a preservative. I AM WITH YOU; MY MOTHER WILL NOT FORSAKE YOU, MY BELOVED ST MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL AND THE HEAVENLY LEGIONS STAND WAITING FOR YOU TO COMMEND YOURSELVES TO THEIR PROTECTION, AND MY ANGEL OF PEACE (*) WILL COME FOR THE GOOD OF MY PEOPLE. THE DISOBEDIENCE TOWARDS MY MOTHER SHALL BE REPAIRED BY SPREADING HER LOVING WARNINGS.”, Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de María THE GREAT FOOD INDUSTRIES POISON THE BODY´S SYSTEM OF MY CHILDREN, WITHOUT THEM BEING AWARE OF IT. I ask You to teach me to love the Most Holy Trinity with Your same Love, so as not to be indifferent to Its calls or indifferent to mankind. Message to Luz de Maria – 10 December 2019. I Domenica di Quaresima, Papa Francesco fa visita a Edith Bruck, sopravvissuta alla Shoah, Stazioni quaresimali, Sant'Agostino a Campo Marzio, Il messaggio del Papa sui medici e infermieri morti per Covid, Diplomazia pontificia, verso un nuovo nunzio in Europa, Nasce Centro di Studi sulla Libertà Religiosa, dell'Università Cardinal Wyszyński, Papa Francesco approva il miracolo di Armida Barelli fondatrice della Gioventù cattolica. Christ, cleanse my tongue so that I do not judge my neighbor; 04, 2019, “A STRANGE ILLNESS IS COMING TO HUMANITY, HIGH FEVERS AND WOUNDED SKIN WILL BE A SCOURGE FROM ONE INSTANT TO ANOTHER, FOR WHICH YOU SHOULD USE THE PLANT CALLED CALENDULA (*).”, * Scientific name: Calendula officinalis, Family: Asteraceae, Check out the official website of prophet Luz de María de Bonilla at: (I Tim 2:4). They lie and deceive humanity with the consuming of foods genetically altered in laboratories, with the only end being to economically increase the industry of these foods, without the majority of men been aware of this.   Humanity has forgotten that it has a Mother thus distancing from Him who is THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND, LIFE.Â, Brothers, only you in your own interior can see yourself just as you really are, without deceit. Freemasonry distorts My Word, tears up the Commandments, oppresses My Church and takes power in order to lead My children through ignorance towards contempt for Our Divine Word. May 17 2017, “My People, the instant is no longer instant, it grows short and you go on as if nothing has changed. At present she resides in Argentina. MY CHILDREN DO NOTHING TO PLEASE ME… AND I WHO SEE IT ALL… I SUFFER!”, Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de María you are not a true witness to Me... In this way you will be able to see yourselves as you are. Dia amanhecendo, Dia abençoado, Presente de DEUS. The time has come when My children must come out of the captivity of ease, of resentment, anger, hatred, disobedience, of living as creatures of the moment, without feelings, rejecting Me: people without a firm Faith and therefore people who believe in Me at one moment and not at another. December 15, 2010, “Bless yourselves and your brothers and sisters constantly. May 13, 2012, “Children, you will hurt when the power and the dominion of the tentacles of the antichrist taints all of humanity, which will undermine the mind and magnetize the thoughts so that men will execute acts contrary to the teachings of My Son. 05.2009. THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY of all human creatures january 28 2016, “Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, the plague advances and man suffers. The Earth is completely sick… and you feed yourselves with sick fruits, serious consequence of the abuse of man towards Creation that the Father bequeathed to you, you ingest adulterated foods and do not worry about it.”, Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de María RECEIVE MY BLESSING IN THIS TIME OF LENT THAT IS BEGINNING. MY CHURCH IS PURIFIED AND WILL BE IN THE BURNING CRUCIBLE FOR THOSE WHO DELIVER MY PEOPLE INTO THE HANDS OF THE IMPOSTOR. My beloved People, pray for China; that will suffer. thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world The Blessed Virgin has communicated to many saints and seers that these troops will be fed from Heaven. Luz de María prophecies for the United States of America, Will be published when approved by a moderator, post specific on medicinal plants has been published here, Testimonios acerca de la Obra Valtortiana, Festive treat for stargazers as Geminid meteors peak, Twitter reabre perfil que censuró por ser crítico con la Ley Celaá, El agua ahora cotiza en el mercado de futuros de Wall Street, Conversión de Michelle Bachelet al luciferianismo provoca escándalo, How To Make Oil of The Good Samaritan. I am wounded by those who from the pulpits deny My Announcements. May 24 2017, “Serious illnesses that attack the digestive system are approaching; use the plant known as ANGELICA and use the whole plant properly, pregnant women being cautious.
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